preservim / vim-markdown

Markdown Vim Mode
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some math operators support and display problem #358

Open CoinCheung opened 6 years ago

CoinCheung commented 6 years ago

my vim settings is like this:

set conceallevel=2
set concealcursor=nivc
let g:tex_conceal='abdgms'
let g:vim_markdown_math=1

When I try to insert a math equation, like this:


I met two problems, one is the \sqrt{} cannot be translated to the math operator. The other is that the symbol color is weird. I am working on xterm vim on the platform of archlinux, and the color scheme is solarized. The symbol $A_2$ displayed in my vim has a yellow color for letter 'A' and a gray color for the subscript '2'.

By the way, I find the option concealcursor is not valid. Whatever I assign to this option, when I move the cursor to the concealed symbol without visual mode entered, the symbols keep on concealed.

Would you make this plugin support markdown as typora does.

sidequestboy commented 6 years ago

@CoinCheung try :help concealcursor. Your setting :set concealcursor=nivc tells vim to conceal on the cursor line in all modes. You probably want the default :set concealcursor=""

It would be nice if $\sqrt{A}$ maybe became √{A}

I'm also getting undesirable highlights in my math characters - screenshot: screen shot 2018-03-22 at 12 07 36 am

AtomToast commented 3 years ago

I would love for there to be an option to change the colors of super and subscript characters. At the moment they seem to be hardcoded and in my colorscheme they are almost invisible. Also any letters I enter are not visible in super or subscript.

Is there maybe a way to only disable concealing for these characters since they just seem broken in general and actively hinder me in my work