preservim / vim-markdown

Markdown Vim Mode
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conceallevel always worked for .md file even if "set conceallevel=0" in the begging of vimrc #512

Open hhh1126 opened 4 years ago

hhh1126 commented 4 years ago

I am using the following vim plugins:


I tried to prevent vim from hiding symbols in markdown file, which is named conceallevel feature.

I followed the instructions from Google but none works ...

It alwasy start .md file with conceal enabled, but I checked ":set conceallevel?" is 0 when opening .md file. Why it still enabled ...?

I tried to add the following in the very begging of my .vimrc, it still doesnt't work.

set conceallevel=0
let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0
let g:vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks = 0

May I ask some help ... Thanks very much!!

dylan-chong commented 4 years ago

try move those settings to the end. worth a try?

you could search those plugins' source code for the word conceal.

flw-cn commented 4 years ago

Please remove all other plugins and try again, it may be due to other plugins or your private configuration.

hhh1126 commented 4 years ago

try move those settings to the end. worth a try?

you could search those plugins' source code for the word conceal.

I removed all the other plugins and only vim-markdown and vim-pathogen left.

When removing ".vim/bundle/vim-markdown" and the grep result shows :

robert@dragon:~/.vim$ grep conceal * -r
vimrc:48:set conceallevel=0
vimrc:49:let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0
vimrc:50:let g:vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks = 0

So it's confirmed that there is no conceal in .vim folder except in vim-markdown.

And after clone vim-markdown to ".vim/bundle/", and move the 3 lines configurations to the end of .vimrc, it still didn't work.

set conceallevel=0
let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0
let g:vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks = 0

The strange thing is, when opening .md file, I use "set conceallevel?" and it shows "0". Does this means that this feature should be disabled?

And one more thing, when opening .md file, it will start with hidding code block which means conceal enabled, right? But after about a few seconds, all the hidding code block was show automatically , but some .md files still will not show until I use "zR" manually to open these hidding block.

BTW, when removing .vim/bundle/vim-markdown , there is no more conceal when opening .md files.

Attached the screenshot of when running "vim ./vim/bundle/vim-markdown/"

vim-markdown_README md

flw-cn commented 4 years ago

You can refer to the narrative here.

As well as using vim -u minimal-vimrc -U NONE to expose your problem.

flw-cn commented 4 years ago

I just looked at your screenshot and it looks like fold has occurred, not conceal.

Please use set nofoldenable to turn off folding, if you don't like it.
