preservim / vim-markdown

Markdown Vim Mode
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Initiating creation of markdown link to a new file #596

Open EricEWeir opened 2 years ago

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

I am using vim-markdown as my only writing related plugin. Previously, with other plugins—vimwiki and wiki.vim—I have been able to create a markdown link to a new file and to save the file by doing <cr> on a word or selection of words. Backspacing in the new file then returned me to the file from which it was linked.

With only vim-markdown that no longer works. Should it? Is there a vim-markdown option that would enable it? Is there another way to enable it, e.g., some code that could be put in my .vimrc?

This is what I have for vim-markdown in my .vimrc:

set conceallevel=2 let g:vim_markdown_follow_anchor = 1 let g:vim_markdown_edit_url_in = 'current' let g:vim_markdown_no_extensions_in_markdown = 1 let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 0 let g:markdown_fold_style = 'nested' let g:vim_markdown_folding_level = 6 let g:vim_markdown_autowrite = 1 let g:vim_markdown_strikethrough = 1

AsocPro commented 9 months ago

You should be able to make a markdown link to the new file and then with the cursor on the link type ge and it will open the file in the link in a new buffer.