preservim / vim-markdown

Markdown Vim Mode
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Strange behaviour with text concealing #605

Open dbatten5 opened 2 years ago

dbatten5 commented 2 years ago

I have the following settings set:

let g:vim_markdown_conceal=1

But for a markdown file with the following raw text:


My output looks like this


Everything apart from the katex maths section is concealed and italics don't show as italiscised unless also set to bold (with ***). Is there some other setting I'm missing? Should I see the katex section properly concealed and the x replaced with an algebraic x, do I need to enable glyph font support or something for that?

scanny commented 1 year ago

Yeah, same here. Interestingly, a code fragment like if x then a enclosed in backticks does appear in italics, so it's not that the terminal can't show them or anything. Just bold and italic, by themselves, don't appear in the alternate font.

scanny commented 1 year ago

Interesting, I didn't notice it until using a dark theme, but italic text is being rendered for me in the bold font and the italics don't appear until I use the *** syntax at which point both the bold and italic appear. For me this behavior is not sensitive to the set conceallevel or g:vim_markdown_conceal settings. It's also not sensitive to my colorscheme (same behavior using default).