preservim / vim-wordy

Uncover usage problems in your writing
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Show suggestions #31

Open AdrienLemaire opened 5 years ago

AdrienLemaire commented 5 years ago

Thank you for making vim-wordy.

Would it be possible to display suggestions in tooltips and allow auto-completion (eg :h ins-completion) ? It is often difficult for non-native english speakers to figure out a better way to formulate a sentence. Such a feature would be greatly appreciated.

AdrienLemaire commented 5 years ago

I'm not familiar with the spellfile features, sorry about that. I've noticed that I could navigate from marked words using ]s and [s, then get suggestion fixes using z=, but it doesn't offer good ones.

Example: This is rather good, looks like progress to me Mode: Wordy adjectives Highlighted words: This, good focus good, press z=

Change "good" to:                                                                                                                                                              
 1 "god"
 2 "food"
 3 "goad"
 4 "God"
 5 "got"
 6 "goof"
 7 "gook"
 8 "goon"
 9 "goop"
10 "goos"
11 "hood"
12 "mood"
13 "rood"
14 "wood"
15 "gold"
16 "goo"
17 "goods"
18 "goody"
19 "go"
20 "cud"

I wish I had more interesting suggestions :)