preservim / vimux

easily interact with tmux from vim
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Vimux doesn't work on latest version of tmux on ubuntu #145

Closed jaanli closed 3 years ago

jaanli commented 7 years ago

Vimux doesn't seem to work with the latest version of tmux-next:

(on the same ubuntu machine, the old version of tmux, 1.9, works with Vimux just fine)

The commands VimuxRun* don't run in a tmux pane. Happy to provide further details!

bubuzzz commented 7 years ago

I can confirm this does not work on the latestest tmux

bubuzzzs-MBP:.vim bubuzzz$ tmux -V
tmux 2.3

when i type in vim

:call VimuxRunComman("ls")

nothing happens

benzittlau commented 7 years ago

I'm seeing the same thing:

✗ tmux -V
tmux 2.2

when I run

:call VimuxRunComman("ls")

I also see nothing run in the pane when it's open, or a pane opened if it's not.

dkrieger commented 7 years ago

I'm running tmux 2.3 and I don't have this problem. I'm using my fork, on which I implemented a new option for choosing the runner pane that uses the last tmux pane you were in. It's possible that my fork works and the main branch doesn't, I wouldn't know

benzittlau commented 7 years ago

@dkrieger could you link to your fork?

dkrieger commented 7 years ago

btw, here are the pertinent lines of my vimrc

    " Always run split-window instead of using nearest pane
    let VimuxUseNearest = 0

    " Use last pane as runner
    let g:VimuxUseLast = 1
alerque commented 3 years ago

I don't think the changes in the fork have anything to do with this. In any event see #143 for the PR seeking to merge those features.

If anything this could be a duplicate of #167, but there isn't really enough information here to work with. I've been using Vimux across every version of Tmux from the 1.x erra to the current 3.x releases without this problem, so it isn't directly Tmux version related. I suspect some other confounding circumstances on the host machine, but there isn't enough information here to solve it.

If this is still and issue for you or anyone please comment here and we'll try to track it down. Otherwise with it known to be working for most people there really isn't anything we know to fix