preservim / vimux

easily interact with tmux from vim
MIT License
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I would like to help maintain this plugin #173

Closed alerque closed 3 years ago

alerque commented 4 years ago

I have used this plugin for many years and came around here looking to see if some issues I had had been reported. Not only have some of them been reported for a long time, some of them have outstanding contributions that may fix them but haven't gotten any attention.

I would like to propose taking over maintenance of this plugin. I appreciate all the work @benmills did in setting this up and would like to keep him credited as the primary author, but if this is going to continue being useful it needs a maintainer to help manage PRs, triage issues, fix bugs, setup CI testing, etc.

I know this is a lot to trust of of the blue, but I have a bit of a track record for doing this with other projects and even specifically vim plugins. I took over all maintenance of nerdcommenter about 3 years ago, joined as a contributor on [vim-pandoc]() and [vim-ledger](), and just last week took over maintenance of tagbar. You can look at my history on interaction on PRs, issues, and commit history on those and other projects to see whether I'm the sort of person you want to trust this too.

Given that the repository owner hasn't been active on GitHub I have attempted to contact him via email, Twitter, and LinkedIn. So far no reply. I'm leaving this issue here in hopes that the community will show their votes of confidence in this request (or not!) so that when the owner does come around this can be taken care of quickly.

@benmills Would you please consider migrating this repository to the @preservim org namespace (I have invited you to join) and them adding me as an owner (in addition to yourself) to this repository specifically? Please note that this will not break existing links and clones since GitHub adds redirects. I've moved projects to org namespaces before and it is pretty smooth for end users. That should give me the ability to not only work through the PRs and issues but also setup CI jobs. Thank you!

alerque commented 4 years ago

Also if anybody monitoring notifications on this repository or seeing this has a personal line to or knows how to get ahold of Ben, if you could put in a word about this that would be awesome!

hupfdule commented 4 years ago

I would be glad if someone would take on maintenance again.

But as with tagbar I would prefer a org namespace specific to vimux then, like

hupfdule commented 4 years ago

@alerque I don't, but there have been other contributers to vimux (seemingly from the same company). You could try contacting those.

alerque commented 4 years ago

@hupfdule He hasn't worked at that company for a couple years. When I first started hunting I actually started to get worried he'd died or something catastrophic had happened. I did eventually find for recent evidence of life and relaxed, but still no reply to contact attempts.

hupfdule commented 4 years ago

In case you still consider taking up maintanence of this plugin, you can consider starting from my fork. It already integrates some pull requests and maybe a good starting point. The integrated pull requests are mentioned in the README.

EDIT: Just noticed that something broke. One of the PRs isn't as sane as I thought.

EDIT 2: I identified the culprit. PR #110 doesn't work with the current HEAD.

mroavi commented 4 years ago

@alerque Did you go over this issue: #153 ? Maybe @ostera can give you rights to migrate/maintain this repo.

alerque commented 4 years ago

@mroavi No, somehow I had missed that issue (being closed at all). Unfortunately as far as I can see @ostera has not been granted owner privs which means he can't grant others access. We still need @benmills for that I think. It's possible he could migrate it though, if so I would encourage this being migrated to @preservim and I'll give @ostera both access to get it there and owner rights when it's there. Can you migrate @estera or is that not part of your privilege set?

leostera commented 4 years ago

Hey folks, I unfortunately don't have that kind of rights over the repo. We need @benmills to move permissions around. Moving to @preservim would be fantastic, so there isn't a single individual bottlenecking progress (in this case, me :see_no_evil:).

leostera commented 4 years ago

Alternatively you could fork (new github repo, same git history) to that organization and I'll set up a redirect notice on the README here.

Don't think that @benmills would be categorically opposed to that. Existing users can continue to rely on this repo, new users can choose to move on to the new one.

Everybody wins :trophy:

alerque commented 4 years ago

@ostera As a last resort that's not a bad plan, but there are several downsides. Everybody that currently has in installed would stop getting updates automatically when they updated their plugins unless they came round and found the readme here. Also it leaves dozens of issues and pull requests in kind of a messy state. Even if they get fixed and cross referenced to the new repo's fixes, it's just a mess.

Do you have any way to get ahold of Ben? It would be so much cleaner if we could just migrate the repo and let Github take care of the redirects (which it does very cleanly).

leostera commented 4 years ago

@alerque I seem to be able to migrate PRs and Issues to other repositories as well as long as I have some form of access to them. Question is what's a reasonable timeout to put on the wait?

alerque commented 4 years ago

@ostera I guess that depends on how likely you think it is we'll ever get a hold of Ben. He seems to be alive, and it would definitely be better if we get Github's redirect in place so that users have a transparent upgrade experience, but if that's going to put us in a permanent waiting pattern we should probably go ahead now. I've tried every way I know of and it's been a long time already. If you have no new contact methods to try, then I don't know what we're waiting for. If you have something else to try (or have tried anything new in say the last month or so) I'd say lets wait until our best efforts have gone unanswered for a month.

If you say it's been that long since your best effort already I'll setup a new repo and add you with owner permissions so you can migrate issues, then we'll leave this with a big fat migration notice in the readme.

nomasprime commented 3 years ago

Hmm was going to try this out but this is pretty disconcerting.

Has the project been picked up somewhere else?

rhardih commented 3 years ago

@alerque @ostera Thank you for taking a lead on this, and not letting vimux turn to abandonware. Do you have any updates on the migration?

roddyyaga commented 3 years ago

Any more progress? Am happy to lend a hand.

leostera commented 3 years ago

@alerque lets do this. Get me that repo and permissions and we'll migrate stuff.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Roger that.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Repo initialized, invite(s) sent. @ostera you should have the necessary permissions.

leostera commented 3 years ago

It looks like the fork doesn't actually have an Issues page? Do we need a new repo and to push the history there?

Or possibly worse, that Issue Transferring is available only within the same organization.

alerque commented 3 years ago

I wondered about that. I can drop the fork and push commits instead if we need to, but let me poke around in settings first.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Try now.

leostera commented 3 years ago

Negative. Doesn't seem to find it in the little transferring dropdown, and if I just type in the repo preservim/vimux I get a 500 back.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Try again. I just bumped your privs from admin on the repo to owner on the whole org to test.

leostera commented 3 years ago

Nope, same behavior.

Alternatively, I could close all Issues and PRs with a notice pointing them to the new repo.

Really not a good solution, but if we can't transfer them, we'll have to recreate the issues anyway. We can't do the same for PRs, so PR owners will have to reopen them.

leostera commented 3 years ago

(I mean, we could pick apart the PR changes and upstream them ourselves, but we'll likely need feedback from the owners anyway to make sense of them / fix stuff)

benmills commented 3 years ago

Hey all sorry about the very long lag in response to this. Frankly I haven't even had GH emails setup so I see them for a few years now.

I'm happy to transfer this to preservim if that's the consensus. Could you invite me again?

benmills commented 3 years ago

If it's easier I can also just transfer ownership to @ostera as well. If I do that will it break old links that point to

leostera commented 3 years ago

Hey Ben! Good hearing from you πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Hope you’re doing well.

I think transferring to either should be fine. I can further transfer to the preservim org as well if you'd like.

On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 19:19, Ben Mills wrote:

If it's easier I can also just transfer ownership to @ostera as well. If I do that will it break old links that point to

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benmills commented 3 years ago

@ostera you need to rename or remove your current repo named vimux for me to transfer. Let me know when you've done that and I'll try again

leostera commented 3 years ago

Done! You can try again now :)

On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 7:32 PM Ben Mills wrote:

@ostera you need to rename or remove your current repo named vimux for me to transfer. Let me know when you've done that and I'll try again

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alerque commented 3 years ago

Wow great to hear from you Ben! Thanks for dropping by.

I've cleared the repo out of the PreserVIM space as well, and resent and invite to Ben. Leandro you should still have access to migrate there anyway.

benmills commented 3 years ago

I just successfully started the transfer to @ostera so I'll let both of you figure out what's best here. Sorry it took so long and I'm excited that you all can breath new life into vimux. If you do ever need anything it's probably best to try and reach me via email:

Good luck!

leostera commented 3 years ago

Aaaand this repo is now preserved! πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Thanks to everyone who chimed in 🌟 , I'm closing the issue now.