pressbooks / ideas

Ideas for Pressbooks.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Book Analytics - Dashboard Item #183

Open gunha opened 5 years ago

gunha commented 5 years ago

Feature Scope

Feature Description To display recent activity in a dashboard widget for book administrators.

Feature Use Case If a user is has an administrator user role and is managing/working on a collaborative project in pressbooks, it would be nice if there was a dashboard item available which would let them look at recent activity within the book. For example, a aggregated view of the revisions sections which already exist on every chapter's edit page. This would help book admins keep tabs on activity within their book in one simple place.

SteelWagstaff commented 5 years ago

This is a great idea, Andrew and would be very useful for collaborative authors/editors. I don't know when we'll be able to work on this, but thank you for the excellent suggestion!

gunha commented 5 years ago

I should have noted that credit/kudos for this idea should be directed to Laura Schmidli here at UW-Madison! Please send praise/good vibes in her general direction :)

schmidli commented 5 years ago

Add on idea: What about being able to receive alerts (to email) on certain types of recent activity?