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Allow Users to Create & Display Citations (from Zotero) #212

Open pbstudent opened 5 years ago

pbstudent commented 5 years ago

Feature Description

Ability to add a Zotero citation within the content editor and automatically generate a reference list in a page with a bibliography matter type.

Feature Use Case

Academic open e-publications require citations and reference (e.g. bibliography) lists. Academics need a seamless and easy approach.

Other Notes

Why Zotero over the others? It is an independent scalable open source citation management system that works with multiple platforms and web browsers (i.e. high archival and utility value).

Zotpress plugin is inadequate as it creates shortcuts that are unrecognized by Pressbooks export generator. Zotpress plugin integration would necessitate a bibliography listing in the correct chapter page location, not a sidebar (although an interesting idea for retaining focus between short citation and long version - if it were similar to Hypothesis sliding sidebar). Citation process needs to be as connected and seamless as Zotero in LibreOffice.

SteelWagstaff commented 5 years ago

See also previous discussion at

pbstudent commented 5 years ago

For clarification, is there a way to export zotero citations with zotpress to PDF and EPUB?

SteelWagstaff commented 5 years ago

In theory sure, the same way that any other shortcode gets turned into HTML output during an export routine. A good analogous example would be that of footnotes. They're created as shortcodes in Pressbooks and display as well-formatted HTML in the webbook and as footnote/endnotes in the PDF export and as footnotes in the ebook export formats. In theory, Zotpress citations would/could function in very similar ways. Doing so will require development work and careful testing, however. We'll also need to do more work on solving the shortcodes within shortcodes problem. See

pbstudent commented 5 years ago

Thanks, just wanted to confirm current situation for authors.

SteelWagstaff commented 5 years ago

I have no idea how well Zotpress works/doesn't work with an open source Pressbooks install. If you install and test, would be interested in seeing results for you (across three modalities: i.e. webbooks and in ebook/PDF exports).

SteelWagstaff commented 5 years ago

Bigger idea would be to add generalized support for Citation Style Language:

pbstudent commented 5 years ago

Zotpress partially works in the export of PB HTML page to PDF with an odd result from editor to page view that is partially replicated in PDF with large space between paragraph and citation (note download citation is rendered with same result). According to Zotpress ( "The [zotpressInTextBib] will auto-generate a bibliography for all [zotpressInText] shortcodes on the post/page." - auto-generating a bibliography for a PB book in a separate page from the intext citation does not work:

PB editor view PB-editor with Zotpress

PB HTML view PB chapter page HTML

PB export to PDF via mPDF display PB PDF page from mPDF