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Review and Test Kaltura Video Plugin #279

Open SteelWagstaff opened 4 years ago

SteelWagstaff commented 4 years ago

Feature Description

Some Pressbooks clients use Kaltura as their campus video streaming service. Kaltura has developed a WordPress plugin that can be used with WordPress multisite networks: They have requested its use with their Pressbooks network. We should install and test this plugin with a hosted PressbooksEDU network and make a decision about whether we would permit its installation and use on one of our hosted networks.

SteelWagstaff commented 4 years ago

I've installed the plugin on a sandbox network and am working with one client to configure it for testing.

SteelWagstaff commented 4 years ago

Entered requested information to configure the plugin. Received initial success message followed by error:

There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

No email was sent to the admin email inbox that I could see. Heading to server logs next, but not an ideal start :-(

SteelWagstaff commented 4 years ago

Was able to get it working with a little extra configuration. Partner ID should typically be associated with the email & password requested. Once configured, the plugin displays a set of options/settings at the network settings level:

Screenshot from 2020-03-03 11-35-57

These can be configured from any individual book/site on the network, via dashboard -> settings -> all in one video. For each site that wishes to use the plugin, a book admin must enter their partner ID, email address and password. Once configured, the user will see the following set of configurable options/settings:

Screenshot from 2020-03-03 11-37-59

They'll also see a Kaltura icon added to the WYSIWYG editor:

Screenshot from 2020-03-03 11-44-38

Clicking on the icon takes a user to an 'Add Media' option in the upload menu interface that lets the user upload a video to the Kaltura streaming media service.

Screenshot from 2020-03-03 11-45-53

They can also select existing Kaltura media available to their user account by clicking the 'Browse Exiting Media' option:

Screenshot from 2020-03-03 11-46-21

If a user selects an existing video, they're taken to another screen that lets them select a player and insert the media into the post/page/chapter:

Screenshot from 2020-03-03 11-46-42

SteelWagstaff commented 4 years ago

Embedded media displays as expected in the webbook: Screenshot from 2020-03-03 11-51-22 Videos remain embedded in epub files, but don't degrade gracefully in PDF exports. They also produce validation errors which would need to be resolved. See sample export files from in the given zip file:

SteelWagstaff commented 4 years ago

Problem: I cannot access the global network settings page for the plugin, even though I am a super admin. Don't know why. See for error message.

weevie833 commented 4 years ago

A couple notes about access: There may be FERPA issues if the videos include anything about a student. I realize this is not PB's concern, but opening up Kaltura into PB may cause unintended consequences. Perhaps an alert message in the embed process? Same, too, with copyright issues.

Second, this should be tested with exported EPUB, PDF, and MOBI to be sure the embed/oEmbed links default to a direct URL similar to YouTube.