pressbooks / pressbooks-multi-institution

Tools for managing Pressbooks networks shared by multiple institutions
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Build institutional book lists for institutional managers on open source networks #43

Open SteelWagstaff opened 7 months ago

SteelWagstaff commented 7 months ago

As an institutional manager on a self-hosted open source PB network (i.e. one without pressbooks-network-analytics), I should see a book list with information specific to my institution, instead of the full network book list.


This should look like the current network book list, but with a new column called 'Institution'. As an institutional manager, I should only be presented with the books which belong to my institution. If I try to view the full network book list, I should see a 'you don't have permissions to do this' style message.


  1. The default book list should have a new 'institution' column that displays when this plugin is active for all users
  2. When an institutional manager loads the book list, the list should only display information that is relevant to their institution
  3. Institutional managers should be able to the search feature of the existing book list without special restrictions. Bulk actions should only affect books in their book list.

Additional desired changes:

fdalcin commented 4 months ago

This has an open draft PR.

Currently, the PR includes the new column for each book listed in the network sites page. The current state of the permissions blocks Institutional Managers from accessing the page though (you don't have permission to view this page). We will need to improve our permission checks so it works when Pressbooks Network Analytics is active but also when it's not.


There are some pending things to work on:

This task was underestimated since I already spent more effort that we anticipated for this task. We decided to move this task to future sprints, so I will consider in our metrics that we spent 5 points, but I would estimate the remaining effort to be another 3 to 5 points.