Powerful yet very simple ( and free 😍 ) WordPress page builder using the native WordPress live customizer. Compatible with any WordPress theme. Used by 50k+ websites .
When user clicked on a pagination link, NB adds query params to the url ( removed via js once the page is loaded )
in this case, if there are several grids printed on the page we want to paginate only the paginated one
otherwise, if the pagination is accessed directly, or if the page is refreshed, all grids should be paginated according to the get_query_var($pagination_query_var) param
When user clicked on a pagination link, NB adds query params to the url ( removed via js once the page is loaded ) in this case, if there are several grids printed on the page we want to paginate only the paginated one otherwise, if the pagination is accessed directly, or if the page is refreshed, all grids should be paginated according to the get_query_var($pagination_query_var) param