pressly / goose

A database migration tool. Supports SQL migrations and Go functions.
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migrate up current version detecting #321

Open iliapisaniy opened 2 years ago

iliapisaniy commented 2 years ago

To determine the current version of the database, goose sorts migrations in the goose_db_version table by ID (get biggest). The status command sorts migrations by version_id (as the beginning of the file name).

To get the current migration version, goose must order the `goose_db_version' rows by version id. In our case of parallel releases, some migrations with a larger version_id have a smaller primary key ID. Thus, the detection of the current version does not work correctly

goose version: up to 3.5.3 db: postgresql

iliapisaniy commented 2 years ago

And version_id is not unique

mfridman commented 2 years ago

To confirm, are you using -allow-missing flag to apply out-of-order migrations? If so, I believe this is what you are running into:

I've created an issue to address the Status command.

Correct, version_id is not enforced as unique in the database (it probably should be, but difficult to change now), however, goose will report an error and fail if it detects a duplicate version files so in theory this should never happen.

goose: duplicate version N detected:
iliapisaniy commented 2 years ago

No, we aren't use -allow-missing flag.

It is possible to ORDER BY version_id, id DESC and think it is solution of the problem @mfridman