pressly / goose

A database migration tool. Supports SQL migrations and Go functions.
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Build GitHub Releases with `tinygo` #665

Open coolaj86 opened 6 months ago

coolaj86 commented 6 months ago

Those file sizes are dang huge for something that just reads text files in lexicographical order, connects to a DB, and execs them.

Especially for a tool that is needed as part of ci/cd.

Would you consider building with tinygo?

(it drops the advanced garbage collector for a much simpler one, but otherwise implements the same API)


GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 \
    tinygo build -short -no-debug \
    -o hello-v1.0.0-linux-arm64
mfridman commented 6 months ago

I experimented with tinygo ~yr ago, and ran into weird build issues. Didn't bother pursuing this in favor of building features, bug fixes and improving docs.

Most of the bloat in the published binaries comes from the SQL drivers, since the pre-built goose binary aims to support all of them.

However, you can reduce the resulting binary size by using the exclusive build tags: (a bit out-of-date, will update)

binary only, no drivers

go build \    
    -ldflags="-s -w" \
    -tags='no_postgres no_sqlite3 no_clickhouse no_mssql no_mysql no_vertica no_ydb' \
    -o goose ./cmd/goose

3.6M    ./goose

sqlite driver only (

# target only sqlite
go build \                       
    -ldflags="-s -w" \
    -tags='no_postgres no_clickhouse no_mssql no_mysql no_vertica no_ydb' \
    -o goose ./cmd/goose

7.2M    ./goose

postgres driver only (

go build \                   
    -ldflags="-s -w" \
    -tags='no_sqlite3 no_clickhouse no_mssql no_mysql no_vertica no_ydb' \
    -o goose ./cmd/goose

10M    ./goose

full binary, all drivers

go build -o goose ./cmd/goose

41M    ./goose
mfridman commented 6 months ago

Fwiw I'd love to reduce the resulting binary size, which will inevitably grow over time as more drivers are added.

I acknowledge it's not great, but I also don't have a good answer for this at the moment.