pressly / sup

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Fail to use -sshconfig #165

Closed Narven closed 4 years ago

Narven commented 4 years ago

Hi, some issues when trying to use -sshconfig for ssh into AWS

My ./ssh/config is: (the only thing)

Host foo
    User ec2-user
    Port 22
    Identify ~/.ssh/foo.pem

My Supfile:

           - foo

if I do on the command line ssh foo it works.

if I do

sup -sshconfig=~/.ssh/config stage uptime

it throws an error:

connecting to clients failed: connecting to remote host ailed: Connect("ec2-user@"): ssh: handshake failed: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

I'm doing something wrong? I though this was fixed in 0.5.1.

My version is 0.5 when I do sup -v but is actually 0.5.3 (dont know why it does not show the patch version)

Narven commented 4 years ago

Also the config file is set to 600

Narven commented 4 years ago

Knock knock