prestaconcept / PrestaSitemapBundle

A symfony bundle that provides tools to build a rich application sitemap. The main goals are : simple, no databases, various namespace (eg. google image), respect constraints etc.
MIT License
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Generate only one sitemap file without sections #283

Open scion4581 opened 2 years ago

scion4581 commented 2 years ago


Actually problem in the title - how I could generate only one sitemap without sections?

yann-eugone commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately there is no way to avoid having sections (and sitemap index).

Could be a good feature to have, some people asked for it, but lot of rework will be required.

scion4581 commented 2 years ago

Ok, thx

yann-eugone commented 2 years ago

Won't close the issue.

Good thing to keep in mind this feature request for next version. Had an idea few weeks ago that might help addressing this particular need.