Open hhhzt opened 1 year ago
My table creation statement is: create table test(word string) PARTITIONED by(dt string, hour string) STORED as orc Execute in my code: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = f''' insert into table auto_diagnose.test PARTITION(dt="2023-03-23" ,hour="10") values ("test7") '''
cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() The code did not report an error, but no new data was added to the hive table
hello, were you able to solve this issue?
My table creation statement is: create table test(
string) PARTITIONED by(dt string, hour string) STORED as orc Execute in my code: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = f''' insert into table auto_diagnose.test PARTITION(dt="2023-03-23" ,hour="10") values ("test7") '''cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() The code did not report an error, but no new data was added to the hive table