[WARNING] warning(154): com/facebook/presto/sql/parser/SqlBase.g4:231:0: rule queryNoWith contains an optional block with at least one alternative that can match an empty string
[WARNING] /Users/elharo/presto/com/facebook/presto/sql/parser/SqlBase.g4 [231:0]: rule queryNoWith contains an optional block with at least one alternative that can match an empty string
[WARNING] warning(154): com/facebook/presto/sql/parser/SqlBase.g4:231:0: rule queryNoWith contains an optional block with at least one alternative that can match an empty string [WARNING] /Users/elharo/presto/com/facebook/presto/sql/parser/SqlBase.g4 [231:0]: rule queryNoWith contains an optional block with at least one alternative that can match an empty string