Open aditi-pandit opened 3 months ago
@mbasmanova @amitkdutta @tdcmeehan
Cc @kgpai @kagamiori
The fix could be in the PrestoSerializer/Deserializer for UUID to use the byte-ordering needed by the Presto Java side. Prototyping a fix.
I wonder if this is a correctness bug, since the encodings of UUIDs are a well-defined format: i.e. if anyone relies on comparing on persisted UUIDs, this might be incorrect since it seems the byte order is revered on either the Java or C++ side?
Hi @mohsaka , please let me know if there was anything I could help out with this issue, thanks.
Hi @BryanCutler Feel free to take over the issue. I am not actively working on it.
So I think the underlying issue is actually with HUGEINT in presto that was never discovered since HUGEINT isn't a type in presto.
@BryanCutler Pointed out that its actually not reversed but rather reversed and swapped 64 bit words.
The main issue is that the HUGEINT type in presto is represented by an array of longs in the form of [MSW, LSW]. However in Velox, we store it in the form of Little Endian, [LSW,MSW].
Therefore when we send it over to presto, we are sending it over as an array of two longs or 64 bit words. Which means [LSW,MSW]. Then the serializer takes into account the endian reversal which results in us having [Reversed LSW, Reversed MSW].
So I recommended that he fix the HUGEINT issue first, then fix the reversal issue by putting the proper HUGEINT decimal value in so that when the endian is flipped we get the proper value in Java presto.
Thought about it some more. We would have to limit the Serializer changes to UUID only, as I presume Long Decimal is working correctly.
So either we can make the change in the serializer or we can make the change on the velox side when creating the int128_t.
Thanks @mohsaka , I did some more digging today and realized the root cause of the swapped bytes is in castFromString
, here
The problem is that boost::uuid stores the data as a byte array with MSB first. Then a memcpy is done, so the result is an int128_t with upper and lower parts in BE format. For example, given this string as input
boost::uuid will store as:
[0] = {uint8_t} 0x33 '3'
[1] = {uint8_t} 0x35 '5'
[2] = {uint8_t} 0x54 'T'
[3] = {uint8_t} 0x49 'I'
[4] = {uint8_t} 0x2c ','
[5] = {uint8_t} 0x7d '}'
[6] = {uint8_t} 0x43 'C'
[7] = {uint8_t} 0xd7 '\327'
[8] = {uint8_t} 0x96 '\226'
[9] = {uint8_t} 0x7a 'z'
[10] = {uint8_t} 0xf5 '\365'
[11] = {uint8_t} 0x3c '<'
[12] = {uint8_t} 0xd2 '\322'
[13] = {uint8_t} 0x32 '2'
[14] = {uint8_t} 0x15 '\025'
[15] = {uint8_t} 0xad '\255'
Then after the memcpy, we get incorrect values [0xd7437d2c49543533, 0xad1532d23cf57a96].
After changing the memcpy to assign the bytes in the correct order, they are also transferred to Java correctly - so there isn't any need for further byte swapping. However, you're correct in that the native worker serializes the HUGEINT as [LSW,MSW], then when building a Java UUID it expects [MSW, LSW] in the `Int128ArrayBlock, so these word values will need to be swapped for UUID types in the serializer.
@BryanCutler Thank you for the update!
But I think the memcpy is correct?
Given the example 33355449-2c7d-43d7 -- 967a-f53cd23215ad In the UUID type it would be separated into hex pairs. 33 35 ... etc. Then we do a memcpy into memory. With 64 bit addresses then 0: [33, 35, 54, 49, 2c, 7d, 43, d7] 8: [96, 7a, f5, 3c, d2, 32, 15, ad]
I assume when you checked the values of the longs you printed the long values in hex? Then since its little endian it would read right to left. This would match what you are seeing.
So I think the problem is still with both the reversal and the swapping of the array.
I believe there are some UUID comparisons in presto-java that are incorrect and should be fixed. I opened a PR here: . This likely affects the native implementation
Queries with UUID have different results in Java vs Native
Your Environment
Expected Behavior
UUIDs are typically stored as VARCHAR or VARBINARY values in HMS/DWRF/Parquet etc. They are cast as UUID in subsequent SQL.
Presto Java uses Java UUID to represent UUID, whereas the block representation for native is int128. When getting results from presto-cli the order of bytes is flipped. This leads to misrepresentations.
Steps to Reproduce