prestodb / tsc

Presto Foundation TSC
Apache License 2.0
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Proposal to add a new role: TSC Architect to strengthen the TSC #55

Closed dborkar closed 1 year ago

dborkar commented 3 years ago

Based on the discussion at the October Technical Steering Committee meeting, I am creating this issue to get feedback from community.

Clearly it is important that PrestoDB or any large software project evolves within a strategic architecture context that has been widely agreed upon, clearly articulated, and that informs day-to-day design and code decisions. This context often operationalizes as architecture blueprints and design guidelines that inform day-to-day engineering work.

The TSC architect role would ideally implement a community version of that strategic architecture function. It would be complementary to the committer role as it would help inform roadmap and design, focusing on cross-component and cross-release level concerns. It would also bring in state-of-the-art awareness, and awareness of other systems, thus complementing the day-to-day focus of committers. The two roles could perhaps intersect at the feature design level. The committers would continue to make the final decision as to what code ultimately gets merged. The TSC Architect role would have a vote only on design related decisions.

A key criteria for the TSE architect role would be a substantial track record of delivering distributed database/systems technology into production, a commitment to the success of the PrestoDB project, and a willingness to follow through and take ownership at the feature design level. Essentially those with scar tissue building other distributed systems and a passion for the success of PrestoDB and willingness to dive in at the design level and into code as well. Ideally, this role would already know the PrestoDB code inside and out but this is not the high order bit.

We are looking for feedback on this proposal.

dborkar commented 3 years ago

@nezihyigitbasi FYI

dborkar commented 3 years ago

@shixuan-fan @wenleix Thank you for the feedback. @nezihyigitbasi Feel free to add others who may be able to provide feedback.

I have received some good suggestions on the next level of operational detail and will add more thoughts when I get chance.

dborkar commented 3 years ago

Given the discussion at the December 2020 board meeting and interest in this topic, adding more context here and I'll work on creating a PR for feedback and review for the team.

Our TSC charter is linked here:

It states: "f. The TSC may (1) establish work flow procedures for the submission, approval, and closure/archiving of projects, (2) set requirements for the promotion of Contributors to Committer status, as applicable, and (3) amend, adjust, refine and/or eliminate the roles of Contributors, and Committers, and create new roles, and publicly document any TSC roles, as it sees fit."

brianwarner commented 2 years ago

I'm doing cleanup on this repo. @dborkar, do you have an opinion whether this issue should remain open? Was there further discussion on this?