preston / railroady

Ruby on Rails 3/4/5 model and controller UML class diagram generator. (`brew/port/apt-get install graphviz` before use!)
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Generating a png #118

Open mzaragoza opened 6 years ago

mzaragoza commented 6 years ago

I am not sure if I first create the svg file and then I convert that to a png or those the rake diagram:all has a second parameter to select format?

What is the proper syntax to generate of png file


srichsun commented 6 years ago

Im finding the solution too, cause the svg files is so big, bigger than the browser, also its not easy to open the file unless you use a browser, that would be great if can create png files directly.

preston commented 6 years ago

Seems like that'd be a very useful feature. Anyone care to submit a PR? I'd like to avoid adding additional dependencies, if possible, but I'm guessing it'd be super easy with imagemagick.