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Unit tests for teams controller #49

Closed txels closed 10 years ago

txels commented 10 years ago

...more angular unit tests.

I've also added JS test coverage. Once tests are run (or they can be run continuously with karma start) an HTML coverage report is generated in coverage/.

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

I think I'm being slow...but how do you get the coverage to work?

I ran fab develop and then tox and got coverage missing warnings.

Here's the output from running karam start --single-run

WARN [reporter]: Can not load "coverage", it is not registered!
  Perhaps you are missing some plugin?
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.10.10 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
WARN [preprocess]: Can not load "coverage", it is not registered!
  Perhaps you are missing some plugin?
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.7 (Mac OS X)]: Connected on socket KnlcNA67urpx9Ixl42fB
PhantomJS 1.9.7 (Mac OS X): Executed 6 of 6 SUCCESS (0.121 secs / 0.037 secs)
txels commented 10 years ago

For the time being tox does not install npm requirements within its virtual env and relies on global installs. Whereas fab develop installs these in your local npm in the virtualenv. I have yet to update package.json for the travis build to work.

Check whether you are actually running the karma binary in your virtualenv (apparently not, as you are running an older version than the one installed by fab develop):

$ workon ployst   # that's my virtualenv's name
$ which karma
$ karma start --single-run
WARN [karma]: Port 9876 in use
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.6 server started at http://localhost:9877/
alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Looks like the -g in npm install screws with the upgrade. And unsurprisingly slow - it means install it globally - rather than in the VM!

Is it OK if we remove that -g option?

(ployst)➜  ployst git:(carles/angular-tests) ✗ which karma
(ployst)➜  ployst git:(carles/angular-tests) ✗ /Users/alex/.virtualenvs/ployst/bin/karma --version
Karma version: 0.10.10
(ployst)➜  ployst git:(carles/angular-tests) ✗ npm install -g karma@0.12.6
npm http GET
<Removed all the subsequent 304/GET requests>
npm http 304
(ployst)➜  ployst git:(carles/angular-tests) ✗ /Users/alex/.virtualenvs/ployst/bin/karma --version
Karma version: 0.10.10

Then, without the -g:

(ployst)➜  ployst git:(carles/angular-tests) ✗ /Users/alex/.virtualenvs/ployst/bin/karma --version
Karma version: 0.10.10
(ployst)➜  ployst git:(carles/angular-tests) ✗ npm install karma@0.12.6
npm http GET
<Removed all the subsequent 304/GET requests>
(ployst)➜  ployst git:(carles/angular-tests) ✗ /Users/alex/.virtualenvs/ployst/bin/karma --version
Karma version: 0.12.6
txels commented 10 years ago

if you have run nodeenv -p, which npm should point to an npm version within your virtualenv. In that case, npm install -g installs packages within your virtualenv, and ensures binaries are installed in your virtualenv's bin.

npm install without -g, on the contrary, will just download in your working directory's node_modules/ and won't care about ensuring scripts are in the path (bower, less, jshint, karma-cli... we rely on those commands being installed in the path, and some even complain if they are not npm WARN prefer global jshint@2.3.0 should be installed with -g). So they end up in places like ./node_modules/karma-cli/bin/karma. We could just not care and always do a local install and always use that relative path. I will try that. It goes together with but includes a little more work.

alexcouper commented 10 years ago
(ployst)➜  ployst git:(alex/pre-commit) ✗ which npm

I'm going to try and build the venv again from scratch.

txels commented 10 years ago

I've simplified the whole npm dependency management process. Everything is now npm-native (dependencies only in package.json) and relies on just npm install. You don't even need nodeenv now, just a decently up to date version of node (0.10) and npm (1.4) in your system. tox and travis are happy with the new setup. Builds are fast. fab develop also is.

On the flip side, all scripts are also installed only locally (in node_modules but not in the path - jshint, bower, less...) so invoking them is more cumbersome (e.g. ./node_modules/karma-cli/bin/karma).

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Should we create some aliases?

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Oh you beat me to it!

alexcouper commented 10 years ago

Ideally we'd ensure that we have node and npm available on your system and install if not available.