Closed naoisegolden closed 4 years ago
Hi! That rule seems to be already turned off:
Maybe you forgot to add "prettier/react"
to the "extends"
array in your ESLint config? Also make sure that the Prettier configs come last so it gets a chance to override.
@lydell the request is to turn it on/enable it, so that it replicates what eslint-config-airbnb
(a de facto standard) does.
This would of course mean removing that line from prettier/eslint-config-prettier
too, but I started the conversation here.
react/jsx-curly-newline conflicts with Prettier ("consistent" seems to only be unnecessary when using Prettier after a quick glance at it) so it has to be turned off if you want to use Prettier.
Am I missing something? What would you gain by enabling this rule when using Prettier?
For people using prettier
together with eslint-config-airbnb
, this rule creates a conflict, one has it to off
and the other to error
. This is proposing to use the same rule changing Prettier's config. Does that make more sense?
No, I’m sorry, that makes no sense at all.
There is nothing special about the react/jsx-curly-newline rule. Here is the full list of rules in eslint-config-airbnb that are unnecessary of conflict with Prettier:
❯ npx eslint --print-config index.js | npx eslint-config-prettier-check
The following rules are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier:
- array-bracket-spacing
- arrow-parens
- arrow-spacing
- block-spacing
- brace-style
- comma-dangle
- comma-spacing
- comma-style
- computed-property-spacing
- dot-location
- eol-last
- func-call-spacing
- function-paren-newline
- generator-star-spacing
- implicit-arrow-linebreak
- indent
- jsx-quotes
- key-spacing
- keyword-spacing
- linebreak-style
- new-parens
- newline-per-chained-call
- no-extra-semi
- no-floating-decimal
- no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs
- no-multi-spaces
- no-multiple-empty-lines
- no-spaced-func
- no-trailing-spaces
- no-whitespace-before-property
- nonblock-statement-body-position
- object-curly-newline
- object-curly-spacing
- object-property-newline
- one-var-declaration-per-line
- operator-linebreak
- padded-blocks
- quote-props
- react/jsx-closing-bracket-location
- react/jsx-closing-tag-location
- react/jsx-curly-newline
- react/jsx-curly-spacing
- react/jsx-equals-spacing
- react/jsx-first-prop-new-line
- react/jsx-indent
- react/jsx-indent-props
- react/jsx-max-props-per-line
- react/jsx-one-expression-per-line
- react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces
- react/jsx-tag-spacing
- react/jsx-wrap-multilines
- rest-spread-spacing
- semi
- semi-spacing
- semi-style
- space-before-blocks
- space-before-function-paren
- space-in-parens
- space-infix-ops
- space-unary-ops
- switch-colon-spacing
- template-curly-spacing
- template-tag-spacing
- unicode-bom
- wrap-iife
- yield-star-spacing
The following rules are enabled with options that might conflict with Prettier. See:
- curly
- no-confusing-arrow
The following rules are enabled but cannot be automatically checked. See:
- arrow-body-style
- max-len
- no-mixed-operators
- no-tabs
- no-unexpected-multiline
- prefer-arrow-callback
- quotes
eslint-config-prettier has one job: Turning off all of those.
eslint-config-airbnb is not compatible with Prettier. That’s just how it is. That’s why eslint-config-prettier exists. It turns off all conflicting (or unnecessary) rules, so that you can use both without trouble.
If you prefer airbnb’s choices, you might want to look into prettier-eslint.
Thanks for the thorough response and suggestions.
enabled the rule [react/jsx-curly-newline
]() in version 18.
This is in conflict with the current config for
. Would it be ok to open a PR enabling it here too?