prettier / eslint-config-prettier

Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
MIT License
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The thing just doesnt work. #214

Closed zisis912 closed 2 years ago

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

I installed this using npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier as the instructions said, then added 'prettier' to extends in my .eslintrc.js and put it last, image

but it still doesn't do what it is supposed to do. (Disable eslint rules that conflict with prettier ones). You can see that it recognizes the plugin as installed since it doesnt redline 'prettier', but it seems to not do anything. The installation process is 2 steps, I don't think I've fucked it up.

lydell commented 2 years ago

Hi! How can I reproduce what you mean by “it still doesn't do what it is supposed to do. (Disable eslint rules that conflict with prettier ones)”?

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

when I try to format a javascript file that contains a switch (one of the things eslint and prettier argue about) with prettier, eslint will spam me with indenting errors, since it wants one tab less than prettier. Eslint-config-prettier is supposed to turn off the conflicting rules, and yet it doesnt.

Just try formatting this piece of code with prettier, and eslint should start spamming you with indent errors. At least that's what it did to me.

switch (args[0]) {
    case '1': ('test1')
    case '2':'test2')
    case '3':'test3')
    case '4':'test4')

(for context this is code from a discord.js bot command)

lydell commented 2 years ago

It doesn’t for me.

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

it's obvious that indenting is the problem, no need for the cli helper tool to tell me that. image

About the minimal production repo, a big chunk of the commands get activated with the last name of my high school teachers, since I made it when online school was a thing to help us all out with the zoom links. Even apart from that, a lot of the commands show private data since this is a bot only made to be used in 1 server, me and my friends' own one.

lydell commented 2 years ago

So the CLI helper tool shows that you have three conflicting rules. Remove those and all should be good!


(Regarding minimal repro repo: That’s something open source maintainers often ask for. It means creating a new repo, without all the things one cannot share, and without all the irrelevant things so that maintainers don’t need to spend time on figuring out where to look.)

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

wait so.. the entire eslint-config-prettier plugin is just the CLI helper tool? Isn't it supposed to automatically disable the rules for you? Like, why do you add 'prettier' to the extends if you're going to do the work manually anyways?

lydell commented 2 years ago

No, that’s not what I meant. You add 'prettier' to the extends so that it can win over other configs. However, ESLint doesn’t let configs win over you. (Imagine if you couldn’t override rules set by a config!) So there’s a little CLI tool on the side for helping with finding mistakes in your config.

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

oh I see, but what I'm trying to say is that if i disable indent, semicolons, and linebreak in prettier then it's practically the same as not using it, as imo these are the most important features of it, along with the single quotes.

lydell commented 2 years ago

if i disable indent, semicolons, and linebreak in prettier

That’s not possible. You can configure how much indent, whether you prefer semicolons or not and what linebreak to use, but you can’t disable those things in Prettier.

What you should do is remove indent, semicolon and linebreak rules from ESLint and let Prettier take care of those things.

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

oh ok, that clarifies things. But I have to do it manually, it cant auto-disable eslint rules that conflict, right?

lydell commented 2 years ago

Correct – the CLI helper tool only lists the problematic rules but does not attempt to automatically update your config file (because that’s near impossible to do in general).

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

the thing is, many of these are incorrect. For example, ESlint never has a problem with the way prettier uses semicolons.

lydell commented 2 years ago

The description of this package is:

Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.

So it’s not only about conflicts. It’s a waste of time (it makes ESLint slower) to check things like semicolons twice.

zisis912 commented 2 years ago

hmm I see. So as you said it suggests me rules that I should turn off because of conflict, and I disable whichever ones I want. Got it