prettier / eslint-config-prettier

Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
MIT License
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Move removed rules to deprecated section #245

Closed regseb closed 1 year ago

regseb commented 1 year ago

Move many rules to deprecated section:

lydell commented 1 year ago

Awesome work!

How did you manage to find all of these? Did you run some tool?

regseb commented 1 year ago

I'm currently adding Prettier to my project so I'm using eslint-config-prettier to know which ESLint rules to disable. When eslint-config-prettier disables a rule that I don't have in my configuration: I checked that it's removed and moved it to the deprecated section.

lydell commented 1 year ago


Just checking one more thing: Do you have a practical need for this, or did you make the PR more for like “correctness sake”?

regseb commented 1 year ago

I will not install the eslint-config-prettier dependency in my project. I use eslint-config-prettier as reference. I propose this PR to make my configuration consistent with the configuration of eslint-config-prettier.

lydell commented 1 year ago

I see! I think. It’s fine to use eslint-config-prettier just as a reference – I do that too in many projects.

How does this PR help you use eslint-config-prettier as a reference?

(Not questioning the validity of the PR, just trying to figure out the impact of this PR if any.)

regseb commented 1 year ago

Reference, in the meaning of documentation.

lydell commented 1 year ago

The index.js file of eslint-config-prettier contains the same set of rules both before and after this PR.

In other words, you haven’t explained how you use the information about which rules are deprecated in eslint-config-prettier.

regseb commented 1 year ago

My configuration has all ESLint rules (except deprecated or removed).

I looked all the rules in the index.js files (except the includeDeprecated ones) and set them to "off" in my configuration. When I got to the generator-star rule, I was surprised not to find it in my configuration. I checked the documentation and discovered that it was removed. With this PR, the deprecated and removed rules are grouped together in includeDeprecated so I can ignore them.