prettier / eslint-config-prettier

Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
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turn off `unicorn/template-indent` #269

Closed gurgunday closed 7 months ago

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

It conflicts with Prettier's template indenting

lydell commented 8 months ago

@gurgunday Can you show an example where there’s a conflict?

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

Sure, here, Prettier is OK with this, but unicorn complains

Templates should be properly indented.eslint[unicorn/template-indent](

const ShopItemPanelImage = (it) => {
  return html`
    <li class="carousel-item relative w-full" data-index="${it.i}">
      !${it.i === -1
        ? ""
        : html`
                viewBox="0 0 24 24"
                <title>Trash Icon</title>
                  d="M6 7H5v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h10a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7H6zm10.618-3L15 2H9L7.382 4H3v2h18V4z"
        src="${it.i === -1
          ? "/p/assets/img/shopBannerImage.png"
          : `${process.env.S3_CDN_URI}/userAssets/${}/shop/${it.item.productID}/bannerPic${it.i}.webp`}"
        class="cursor-pointer !brightness-100 brightness-50 transition-[filter] duration-500 hover:!brightness-50"
        alt="${it.item.productName} banner image"
JounQin commented 8 months ago

See also

lydell commented 8 months ago


To me, the rule seems useful even with Prettier, as long as you configure the rule to not care about the same tags and comments as Prettier does. For example, the sql tag, the stripIndent function and the indent comment all sound useful with Prettier.

So maybe it should be marked as a special rule. It looks like the CLI tool might be able to validate the configuration, but I haven’t looked into it deeply.

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

For example, the sql tag, the stripIndent function and the indent comment all sound useful with Prettier.

I can keep em all except html 😁

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

I think it's better now

Not sure how a special rule works, does that just mean there should be documentation on what happens?

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

Couldn't find weather Prettier formats templates using comments or not

So I only checked for tags

Is there a resource where I can find that information?

lydell commented 8 months ago

The only resource I know of is the source code that I linked to earlier:

There you can see that there’s an /* HTML */ comment at least.

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

Thanks, from there, I could find this:

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

I will check if there are other tag keywords

gurgunday commented 8 months ago

All of the tags seem to have been taken into account if I'm not missing anything

lydell commented 8 months ago

Looking good! I’m hoping to get some time for some testing on my own, merging and releasing soon!

lydell commented 7 months ago

Released in v9.1.0. Thank you for the help! 💯