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Julia special operators with Vi editor #11

Open preveen-stack opened 1 year ago

preveen-stack commented 1 year ago

In the Vi editor, also known as Vim, which is a powerful and widely used text editor in Unix-based systems, you can use special operators to perform actions on text objects. Here's how you can use Julia special operators in Vi:

  1. Change (c): To change text with Julia special operators, follow these steps: a. Move the cursor to the first character of the text you want to change. b. Press c to enter the change mode. c. Enter the Julia special operator, which consists of an uppercase J followed by a motion command. For example, to change a paragraph, type c}. You can use various motion commands like w for word, } for paragraph, ) for sentence, etc., after the J operator. d. Press Esc to exit the change mode and apply the change.

  2. Delete (d): To delete text with Julia special operators, follow these steps: a. Move the cursor to the first character of the text you want to delete. b. Press d to enter the delete mode. c. Enter the Julia special operator, which consists of an uppercase J followed by a motion command. For example, to delete a word, type dw. You can use various motion commands like w for word, } for paragraph, ) for sentence, etc., after the J operator. d. Press Esc to exit the delete mode and apply the deletion.

  3. Yank (y): To copy text with Julia special operators, follow these steps: a. Move the cursor to the first character of the text you want to copy. b. Press y to enter the yank mode. c. Enter the Julia special operator, which consists of an uppercase J followed by a motion command. For example, to yank a sentence, type y). You can use various motion commands like w for word, } for paragraph, ) for sentence, etc., after the J operator. d. Press Esc to exit the yank mode and apply the yank.

These are some examples of how you can use Julia special operators in Vi to perform actions on text objects. Remember that Vi is a powerful text editor with many features and commands, and mastering it can take time and practice.

preveen-stack commented 1 year ago

To enter the "∘" (Julia Unicode character for the mathematical composition symbol) in the Vi editor, you can follow these steps:

  1. In command mode, move the cursor to the location in the text where you want to insert the "∘" symbol.

  2. Press i to enter insert mode, which allows you to type in text.

  3. On most Unix-based systems, you can enter Unicode characters in Vi by typing their hexadecimal Unicode code point using the following format: Ctrl-V u <code_point>. For "∘", the hexadecimal Unicode code point is 2218. So, type Ctrl-V u 2218.

  4. After typing the Unicode code point, press Enter to insert the "∘" symbol into the text.

  5. Press Esc to return to command mode and exit insert mode.

The "∘" symbol should now be inserted at the cursor position in your Vi editor. Note that the ability to enter Unicode characters may depend on the configuration of your system and the version of Vi you are using. Some versions of Vi may have different ways to enter Unicode characters, so it's always a good idea to consult the documentation or help files for your specific version of Vi if you encounter any issues.

preveen-stack commented 1 year ago

If you want to enter the "α" (alpha) symbol in the Vi editor, you can follow similar steps as mentioned before:

  1. In command mode, move the cursor to the location in the text where you want to insert the "α" symbol.

  2. Press i to enter insert mode.

  3. On most Unix-based systems, you can enter Unicode characters in Vi by typing their hexadecimal Unicode code point using the following format: Ctrl-V u <code_point>. For "α", the hexadecimal Unicode code point is 03B1. So, type Ctrl-V u 03B1.

  4. After typing the Unicode code point, press Enter to insert the "α" symbol into the text.

  5. Press Esc to return to command mode and exit insert mode.

The "α" symbol should now be inserted at the cursor position in your Vi editor. Note that the ability to enter Unicode characters may depend on the configuration of your system and the version of Vi you are using. Some versions of Vi may have different ways to enter Unicode characters, so it's always a good idea to consult the documentation or help files for your specific version of Vi if you encounter any issues.