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python scripts to executables #17

Open preveen-stack opened 1 year ago

preveen-stack commented 1 year ago

If you are looking to convert Python scripts into executable files, there are several options available. Here are a few popular ones:

  1. PyInstaller: PyInstaller is a popular tool that allows you to package Python scripts into standalone executables for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It automatically resolves dependencies, creates an executable file, and bundles the Python interpreter along with your script into a single file. You can install PyInstaller using pip (Python Package Installer) with the following command:
pip install pyinstaller

Once PyInstaller is installed, you can use it to package your Python script into an executable file using the command:

pyinstaller <>

This will create an executable file for your Python script, which you can then distribute and run on systems without Python installed.

  1. cx_Freeze: cx_Freeze is another popular tool for creating executables from Python scripts. It works by freezing your Python script along with its dependencies into a standalone executable file. You can install cx_Freeze using pip with the following command:
pip install cx_Freeze

Once cx_Freeze is installed, you can use it to package your Python script into an executable file using a script or a setup file. Here's an example of how you can create an executable using a script:

import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

# Specify your script and target filename
script = ""
target = "your_script.exe"  # Replace with the desired name for your executable

# Create the executable
exe = Executable(

# Define the setup options
options = {
    "build_exe": {
        "excludes": [],
        "include_files": [],
        "packages": [],

# Call the setup function
    name="Your Script",
    description="Description of your script",

You can run this script using Python to create an executable file for your Python script.

  1. PyOxidizer: PyOxidizer is a newer tool that provides a more comprehensive approach to creating executables from Python scripts. It allows you to bundle Python scripts along with their dependencies and the Python interpreter into a single executable file. PyOxidizer provides more advanced features, such as support for creating executables with embedded data, plugins, and more. You can learn more about PyOxidizer and how to use it in the official documentation:

Note that creating executable files from Python scripts may have some limitations, such as platform compatibility, binary size, and performance considerations. You may need to test and optimize your executable files based on your specific use case and requirements. Also, keep in mind that executable files generated by these tools are platform-specific, so you may need to create separate executables for different operating systems if you want to distribute your Python script across multiple platforms.