I find your libaries very useful for me, especially the Video.VFW.dll. Now I
made some improvements (for me), which may be also useful for others, and
therefor I will send it to you:
In the AVIWriter-Class:
1. As the AVIWriter can't write files with other ending then .avi, files with
other extensions (eg. wmv, ...) are renamed by my code to eg. filename.wmv.avi
ad after closing .avi is removed again. So you can use other extensions.
2.As the AVIWriter cant overwrite files, in such a case the existing file is
deleted by my code before creating the new .avi-file with the same filename.
The New AVICodecs-Class:
If you create an instance of the AVIWriter-class, you should name the desired
compressor. In order to know, which VFW-Codecs are installed on your system I
wrote the AVICodec-class, which delivers a list of the installed codecs an
their FourCC. Thats what you need, if you set the compressor/codec of the
AVIWriter. For this class I had to add some code to the Win32-Class.
I hope, you / your project and others can use the code.
Ch. Fuchs
Original issue reported on code.google.com by ragtimec...@gmail.com on 1 Aug 2012 at 7:02
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 7:02Attachments: