price0416 / Simulome

Simulome, genome and mutant variant simulator.
MIT License
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Version Updates: Python 3.8.5, Biopython 1.78, and Blast 2.10.1. #4

Open tmsincomb opened 3 years ago

tmsincomb commented 3 years ago

This package was very well written and made it fairly easy to update the code to work with Python 3.8.5. I successfully ran the commands from the manual with Biopython 1.78 while using Blast 2.10.1.

This smooth transition is probably due to Biopython's Blast wrapper subpackage logic changing very little because Blast's recent updates seemed to be more focused on bug fixes and optimizations than command/option deprecations.

I wanted to push this initial pull request before I start changing things to give this library a version bump. In the age of machine-learning this is going to be a very valuable resource to generate more testing datasets and it would be a shame if the master repo versioning masked its genius.