prickle / Mavpixel

Mavpixel firmware repository
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Blinking Heart MavpixelGUI #9

Open Shaun055 opened 4 years ago

Shaun055 commented 4 years ago

So i finally got the mavpixel flashed onto my arduino mini pro, got the pixhawk fc to communicate to the mavpixel, got the 1 hertz blinking green heart. But i still get no working leds? i have a blinking heart in the Pixel GUI at the bottom program, don't know what that is. Also im giving the led strips power from the servo rail of the pixhawk, as stated in the picture in the main github page of mavpixel, still don't know what's wrong?


prickle commented 4 years ago

Good to hear you got it communicating!

No light? It might be the config. The GUI is a bit confusing, some functions are not intuitive, but I wanted to keep the flexibility and familiarity to cleanflight users. Check brightness is not set very low. Try setting an orientation as well as colour. Try some different modes on some of the pixels, just to get some lights blinking. If they do, all is well and configuration just needs tweaking. See the cleanflight LED strip docs for good info.

If no lights work ever, double check the pinouts of the strips themselves, they might be different from the ones I used. Ensure power is reaching the strips properly. If there is power and leds are still either off, wrong, stuck or glitchy try adding a large electrolytic capacitor in parallel with the servo rail power.

Merry Xmas!

Shaun055 commented 4 years ago

turns out the servo rail wasn't providing enough voltage/current to power the leds, using the receiver for power now temporarirly, everything works like a charm,

thanks for all the help, Happy Holidays