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Anon Search / Data requirements tab #157

Open DavefromPrifina opened 3 years ago

DavefromPrifina commented 3 years ago

Individual widget listing page - Anon Search

Data requirements tab

This issue is a 'child' of #123 and exists to ensure that we have for each widget listing:

No user data page template: Template

This set of screens are for widgets which do not require any user-held data;

  1. Weatherly
  2. To-do-list
  3. Battleship
  4. Browser chat
  5. Anon search
  6. Data Uploader
  7. Clock widget


We need graphics to complement the copy and to help explain how the widget uses data. In the template image above these are NO.6

Screenshot 2021-07-30 092820

User-generated data graphic


Each widget listing page has an associated Google form for inputting/updating content which is linked to a spreadsheet.

Google form - all known/assumed content has been pre-filled (you should see this when you load the form) change pre-filled answers to update and answer un-answered questions. When you submit the form an entry will be added to the spreadsheet

Anon Search - content form with pre-filled answers Content sheet

Copy final checklist

Completion Status

mmlampinen commented 3 years ago

added copy

DavefromPrifina commented 3 years ago

Updated User-generated data graphic - now uses generic widget/data source @MikeFil49

DavefromPrifina commented 3 years ago

On hold for now - pending widget designs