prikhi / lightdm-mini-greeter

A Minimal, Configurable, Single-User GTK3 LightDM Greeter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Don't set background-image in default conf to empty string #62

Closed chrishoage closed 4 years ago

chrishoage commented 4 years ago

I've been playing with and found that it does not like an empty string as a value for a config item. It includes a Lens for anything in /etc/lightdm/*.conf which includes this file.

Since config.c handles a NULL background-image value it seems safe to comment this config option out until it is needed.

This should probably be fixed in augeas too, but I will need time to learn the Lens syntax and this was easy.

chrishoage commented 4 years ago

Abandoning augeas for sed since it doesn't cover enough.

Sorry for the PR noise.