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Kodi crash #10

Open Arias800 opened 6 years ago

Arias800 commented 6 years ago

When i recording a show Kodi crash on different french channel Do you have any ideas ?

primaeval commented 6 years ago

Does the url for the channel start with plugin:// ? If it does try to find the direct http link. I've had a few crashes that way. They work ok in Android but not Windows.

Are there any non-ascii characters in the channel or program title when it crashes?

Arias800 commented 6 years ago

I use Windows for testing but I'll try on android . Nop any non-ascii characters in the channel . Thank you for your awesomes addon ^^

primaeval commented 6 years ago

Look in the file userdata\addon_data\\channels1.m3u to find the m3u channel urls. See if they start with plugin://

Arias800 commented 6 years ago

Nop they start with http://

primaeval commented 6 years ago

They shouldn't crash Kodi then unless you are trying to watch the file as it records. The recording is done separately by ffmpeg.exe

The urls aren't http://localhost or are they?

Arias800 commented 6 years ago

They not like this http://localhost, It's normal link ^^

primaeval commented 6 years ago

Are you trying to watch the file as it records?

Arias800 commented 6 years ago

Yep and I haven't seen nothing strange

primaeval commented 6 years ago

Don't try to watch it as it records if it crashes. Kodi on Windows doesn't seem to like that. Use an external player to watch it like ffplay or vlc.

Arias800 commented 6 years ago

Thank for your advice ^^