primary-theme / obsidian

Comfy, playful but productive theme for Obsidian. "Primary instantly puts you in a relaxed state that opens the door to creativity and exploration. Wonderfully executed down to the smallest details,"
GNU General Public License v3.0
846 stars 38 forks source link

How to install? #166

Open pengzhenghao opened 1 year ago

pengzhenghao commented 1 year ago

I think it would be helpful to include a section in README to teach user how to install the theme. Nice theme, thanks!

Mara-Li commented 1 year ago

Hello. The theme is incompatible with 1.0, so it was removed from the store until the Legacy tag is removed.

feedhopper commented 1 year ago

Are there plans to make it compatible?

vrerick commented 1 year ago

sure @feedhopper many people are working on it. Just be patient.

feedhopper commented 1 year ago

thanks for the update. I wasn't aware of this involving many people.

vitovt commented 1 year ago

Subscribe. It is not clear how to install. As I understood, after downloading in should be compiled before copying to .obsidian folder But how to compile it ?

dedebenui commented 1 year ago

just copy the obsidian.css file into <your vault>/.obsidian/themes. You may need restart obsidian for it to show up

JDRanpariya commented 1 year ago

I would like to contribute and make it working. Is there anyone who can help me with it?

SalahAdDin commented 1 year ago

It is not available from Settings > Appearance > Themes.

vrerick commented 1 year ago

It is not available from Settings > Appearance > Themes.

there is no new release for the new Obsidian 1.1.X

MHolkamp commented 1 year ago

Is there any update coming for version 1.x.x?

ceciliamay commented 2 months ago


Mockup done. Coding now. Will update the READMEs and add better wikis after.

Tejeev commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an issue tracking this? I thought #178 would be it but that was closed. I guess this is the one to follow?

ceciliamay commented 3 weeks ago

@Tejeev The theme is currently available in beta through my Ko-fi page! It's currently in beta while being in the rebuild phase for Obsidian 1.0+ compatibility. It'll be out for free for public use once it's out of beta!

Tejeev commented 2 weeks ago

@ceciliamay ah! Could we re-open #178 or open a new issue to track this where we can link to your ko-fi page? I was wondering about where the issue to track this was because that's usually where we find information like this.