primary-theme / obsidian

Comfy, playful but productive theme for Obsidian. "Primary instantly puts you in a relaxed state that opens the door to creativity and exploration. Wonderfully executed down to the smallest details,"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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HowTo - Customization Elements - Demo Features File? 📖 #59

Closed KyoKazehaya closed 2 years ago

KyoKazehaya commented 2 years ago

Hello Cecilia!

I've just downloaded your theme and I like how cozy it is! The rounded buttons, colors, and overall feel is great ❤️

I'm kinda new to Obsidian and when I see screenshots of people around I don't really know how I can get these things to modify the theme and make it look nicer 😞

I saw from the Readme some "elements" that look really nice! But I'm not sure if they're from a plugin or are directly supported by the theme.


From the image, I see that "Info" is from the Admonition plugin. But how do you create the little boxes like the one that says "Metadata" and "Note"? If you had a little list of plugins or even a .md file to showcase the features it would be amazing and really helpful! 😄

I know this is a long shot but I also saw your theme thanks to an user that posted this screenshot of their workspace:


Do you know if there is an existing plugin to make your folders split into colorful categories? Or do you think that the user has added custom CSS to make it?

I realize that maybe this questions are more related to general knowledge of Obsidian but sometimes is a bit difficult to search things online as I don't really know the exact name of these things 😅

Any help/insight it's greatly appreciated! ⭐

ceciliamay commented 2 years ago

Hey there @KyoKazehaya !! I'm glad you're enjoying Primary's coziness 🤗~ I'll go through some of these things really quickly, and will attempt to redirect you to some resources! The general advice is that you can get more answers through the Obsidian Forum or through the Discord! The community is very active and should you have any questions, I think you're likely to get an answer.

  1. the Metadata box will show up if you add metadata (using yaml frontmatter) at the top of your .md note. howtoyaml it will automatically show up when you add metadata to your note! the box on top of that metadata block though, will only show up after you toggle on the Show Frontmatter setting that you can find at Settings > Editor > Show Frontmatter :D
  2. for the "Note" box - that can be generated by making an <aside> ... </aside> html block on Obsidian - but it varies theme to theme. unfortunately, because of some conflict with Obsidian's recent update, I recently temporarily dropped support of asides. It's coming soon though!
  3. the colorful folders are custom CSS that a user adds through a snippet! it's on the roadmap to offer an official working snippet for Primary users but i have yet to have time to set that up. it will come soon though! for now, i recommend asking on the discord at the appearance channel! tons of users over there use colorful headers 😄 another resource i found

That's about what I can write for the time being. I appreciate you posting this because it reminded me that I have a documentation to do!! Thanks again for the kind words and I hope you continue enjoying Primary! 😄

KyoKazehaya commented 2 years ago

Hi @ceciliamay !! omg thank you for such detailed answer 😭 ❤️ I'll join the Discord and the Forum! 🙌

  1. Thank you for the tip!! Managed to do it on my vault ⭐


  1. I sometimes forget that we can add HTML tags to our documents 😅 I'll be looking forward for that update because these little boxes look lovely and it would improve my existing notes a lot! ✨

  2. Aw, thank you for finding the resource in the Forums! That looks like something I can try to fiddle with but I'll follow your suggestion and I'll ask the folks of Discord 🙏

And you're most welcome, thank you for creating this theme, sometimes what people need is a comfy place to write their notes and you're achieving it! 😄 I've added a little support to your Ko-Fi page as my sincere appreciation to your work and your help ⭐ I'm looking forward for the new and shiny future updates! 🎉