primary-theme / obsidian

Comfy, playful but productive theme for Obsidian. "Primary instantly puts you in a relaxed state that opens the door to creativity and exploration. Wonderfully executed down to the smallest details,"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Export to PDF in Darkmode #62

Open rashwell opened 2 years ago

rashwell commented 2 years ago

I do not know if this is resolved in the theme itself or if this should be an Obsidian main issue, but when using the Primary Theme in darkmode, exporting a note to PDF is particularly unreadable. In Light mode it is better, but you have to remember to switch to light mode before you do an export, and even then it isn't really ideal. Is there part of the CSS of the theme that gets reflected in PDF exports to the point of improving these results.

ceciliamay commented 2 years ago

Hey there!! Thanks for opening this issue! It's currently on the roadmap to add support for PDF exports. Quick question - are you looking for a clean basic printable black and white PDF export? Or are you looking for something that still somewhat embodies the theme (maybe something like how Notion PDF exports are like? They usually have the colors, styling intact but essentially always on Light Mode to make it print-friendly).

You're the first to request support for this feature and I personally don't use it, so I'd love to hear what you think!

rashwell commented 2 years ago

So I suppose in theory I could avoid the built in PDF export and utilize like a Pandoc which would be perhaps the result of a basic printable black. Frankly I am so please with your theme though, it makes me greedy for the best even with printing. I don't dislike the light mode print, I would just want the option to not have to swap modes, to get that result. I know sounds lazy as I type it out, I could probably even hot key it somehow.

ceciliamay commented 2 years ago

Haha! Well I'm happy to let you know that I'm a detail maniac/perfectionist (but still time conscious). I suppose in the long term, since I would eventually work on it might as well I'll give it my best, right? Theme-embodied PDF export styling it is! But I want to be honest with you that it will take some time before I get it done. I have already scheduled out and prioritized other earlier requested features.

I'm aiming to get support for this by end of Feb, but it might be more realistic to say March. But it is on the list and I promise I'll get it supported!!

Mercury0 commented 2 years ago

@ceciliamay hello there, is this feature still being pushed into production? I would also love to be able to natively export my obsidian documents with their display theme

ceciliamay commented 2 years ago

Hello @Mercury0 !! I currently have big project and am too busy to work on Primary at the moment. The project will end on early August so any updates to Primary will only be pushed publicly by then. I have a pending update that I haven't polished - I am telling you this to let you know that I definitely alive and plan to continuously update Primary, just not at the moment!! Thank you for all your support and suggestions!!!