primary-theme / obsidian

Comfy, playful but productive theme for Obsidian. "Primary instantly puts you in a relaxed state that opens the door to creativity and exploration. Wonderfully executed down to the smallest details,"
GNU General Public License v3.0
852 stars 38 forks source link

Any plans for a port to VS Code? #87

Open hbarudin opened 2 years ago

hbarudin commented 2 years ago

I just discovered this theme and just 💖 love it. Thank you @ceciliamay !

Are there any plans to take this theme to other apps (like how Dracula has all kinds of apps you can use with it)? I'd loooove to have my VS Code be all Primary-awesome.

Are you open to other contributors? I'd love to lend a hand if I can!

ceciliamay commented 2 years ago

Hello there @hbarudin !! Thank you so so much for the kind words 🫂💖

Very timely of you, I'm actually working on the VSCode and a Logseq port right now! I'm currently trying to fine tune some colors so that I can make a contributor's guide and open up public contributions by trying to work out Primary for these two apps first. I'll keep this issue up and update you when it comes out!

Quick q, what languages do you use?

chrisgrieser commented 2 years ago

just to piggyback: a Sublime Color Scheme + base16 Terminal theme would be much appreciated, too :)

spcbfr commented 2 years ago

Here's an alacritty port I made, it looks kinda bad but it could be a starter if you haven't started working on it yet! Code:

  primary_dark: &primary_dark
      background: '#231E1A'
      foreground: '#E5CFB3'
      black:  '#1B1613'
      red:    '#F54E42'
      green:  '#38B27D'
      yellow: '#EBC400'
      blue:   '#4DADD5'
      magenta: '#9F78DD'
      cyan:    '#3399C1'
      white:   '#F6E7D5'
      black:  '#2C2621'
      yellow: '#F8D668'
      red:    '#FF675C'
      green:  '#38D687'
      magenta: '#A993E6'
      white:   '#F6E7D5'

Preview: image

ceciliamay commented 2 years ago

thank you for this @spcbfr !! Other apps have a different UI setup and color usage so I'm currently reworking/fine-tuning the palette to better fit their interfaces ;) I'll let you guys know once I am satisfied with my first "public" iteration!

hbarudin commented 1 year ago

Just remembered about this comment - very excited for whenever Primary makes its way to VS Code and other apps <3

hbarudin commented 1 year ago

Also I never answered your question!

Quick q, what languages do you use?

I use a little bit of a lot of languages, but the top hitters would be: Javascript, Typescript, Ruby, Python, HTML, CSS/SASS. (I work as a full stack web developer by day and play around with side projects by night.)

spcbfr commented 1 year ago

as for me, It's mainly Javascript, haskell, bash, html,css