Closed ssibitz closed 6 years ago
Sorry but this is invalid, check the docu:
AND: i don't care about image size in the showcase... It's not built for high performance. Also thats an issue of the showcase, not of primefaces.
The showcase is only an example for that, so you can do it with any other project including the primefaces-jar file !
Please compress your static resources (script's and stylesheet's) as any other web-project's are doing it by checking your build-script of Primefaces !
This is currently not done - also when re-building the whole primefaces project like you described in the wiki - nothing happens to the static resources: They are packed as they are in original but only aggregated together to one file and: Uncompressed !
Please check your build-scripts because that's a real issue in production because i don't want to re-check all your static resources and re-pack them full compressed into the primefaces-jar file i buyed from you !!
I am talking about compressing this resources in Primefaces-6.1.10 (The same in Primefaces 6.1.11)
... and the same issue when building the newest version Primefaces 6.2-SNAPSHOT:
The most of them (and the biggest ones) are static resources by Primefaces that are not compressed. Not in PRO/ELITE and not in Community-Edition !
The other part are my own script's/stylesheet's which are not static or coming from other used libraries which i try to remove or in plan to be removeed, so please ignore them ...
Did you check the section about resource minification in the link i posted? Note: i only talk about trunk, i dont manage elite releases but melloware created a ticket for it.
Yes, i already know the link you posted, but building primefaces with the maven-parameter's: clean install -Prelease -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dgpg.skip=true does not compress anything in the resulting static resources as you can see on the images:
For example taking a special look on the components.js from primefaces: Here are all the script's combined to one (aggregatet) but nothing of them is compressed/minimized and also not the aggregated result which result's in: Primefaces 6.1.10 - Compression of "components.js" could save 311.2KiB (79%) or in: Primefaces 6.2-SNAPSHOT - Compression of "components.js" could save 657.6Kib (84%)
I will try to add the Maven plugin for web resource optimization from the primefaces extensions project to the primefaces maven-build-script after the static resources has been aggregated (but not compressed/minimized) to minimize them before package them into the jar-file...
I will check the sizes before and after and give you a feedback...
Sorry but works fine for me. Just using "mvn clean package -Prelease" and open the JAR - following file is compressed for me: /META-INF/resources/primefaces/components.js
JFYI: i'm using mvn 3.3.9 on oracle JDK 1.8.0_121 on a mint machine ;)
Hmm - It seems that the Google-PageSpeed wasn't updated for a long time, so i have the result's now:
1.) Enable compression means (in my case) that the browser isn't currently accepting the GZIP-Header - Activated on wildfly but ignored by browser !! I can activate/overwrite this by using the Omnifaces GZIP-Filter. You eventually also should use this in your showcase by only adding them to the web.xml / pom.xml
2.) Google Page Speed shows always a smaller Resource-File's than your's because: Google always remove all comment's, newlines and spaces so the minimized files by google are always smaller than your compressed/minimized: You always add a newline for each file aggregate and keep the comment's of all aggregates as they are as "Must-Comment's"
Please make the Comment's minimizeable from the JavaScripts/Stylesheets because the header's are not needed in production. Please also remove the newline for each aggregate because this is also a unneeded setting.
By changing the comments from:
they will no longer be included in production / aggregation-files
and the files are smaller, so really minimized by YUI-Compressor !
removing newlines brings maybe 1kb in the all of our resources, i won't do this ;) changing comments removes ~10-15kb but we have to adjust third party libraries, so probably i won't do this, too as the result isn't big compared to all of our resources.
I am not talking about removing this comment lines in the source-code but setting them to removeable and not fix when building the aggregates. No end customer will need endless comment's from third party lib's in static resource files in a buyed libray - only once at the header but not x times !
Yes, i know we are talking about peanut's in size against your primefaces library, but keep in mind that currently saving all unnessesary thing's over a slow network will keep a user away from leaving the site !
Here is the example of what space can be saved only by removing this unnessesary comment's: core.js -> 31328 Bytes core.min.js ->30032 Bytes = -4,14 % Size
components.js -> 404828 Bytes components.min.js -> 392016 Bytes = -3,16 % Size
Modify third party libraries is IMO something that should only be done for hotfixes.
So the only real solution is to replace our plugin by a better one. If you have time to do this, feel free to provide a PR. It should be uncompressed in a normal build and compressed when running with -Prelease.
I can't even see any comments in core.js (in the generated jar) ;)
When i currently build the Primefaces6.2-SNAPSHOT i can see that all static resources (Stylesheet's/Javascript's and also large Images) are uncompressed. This unnecessarily results in a very large JAR-File and a bad result in Google's PageSpeed of your current PrimeFaces ShowCase:
I think that there is a bug in your maven-build-system because the bug only exist's when i am building Primefaces but not Primefaces-Extensions. The difference between the build's ?
Primefaces is using old Maven-Plugin's and a old version's of the YUI-Compressor which is currently deprecated by yahoo and can only compress stylesheet's correct - javascript's are not compressed right and also the aggregates are not working right with compression.
Primefaces-Extensions is using a own maven-plugin which makes the best compression by using the last YUI-Compressor available/working and also the Google Closure compiler for JavaScript compressing. It seems that this is also working with aggregated files because the single script's/stylesheet's are compressed before and then concentrated to one.
So also Primefaces should use the Primefaces-Extensions Plugin for optimizing the static css/js resources and also for aggregates because here it's working right !