primefaces / primeicons

Icon Library for Prime UI Libraries
MIT License
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Add letters/numbers icons #620

Open MikeChuckRoast opened 2 years ago

MikeChuckRoast commented 2 years ago

It would be useful to have letters/numbers. There are some components that are expecting an icon, and I'd like to just have a letter rather than a shape.

onursenture commented 2 years ago

I couldn't understand your use case. Could you please share screenshot of usage area and give more detail about the case? Thank you.

MikeChuckRoast commented 2 years ago

An example is the menu model. Part of the model is an icon for the menu item. Sometimes, I can't find an appropriate icon to use for a menu item. Rather than not use an icon (which would not look good), it would be helpful if there were just icons for all letters and numbers.

Imagine I have a menu for "Social Media", and in that menu there are links for Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Snapchat. The first 3 all have prime icons, but what do I do for Snapchat? If there were letters, I could just use an "S".

onursenture commented 2 years ago

Thanks @MikeChuckRoast for detailed explanation. We probably won't add those to core PrimeIcons project, since it'll bloat the package size. We'll discuss with the team.