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Improve devexp decreasing number of linter errors #10821

Closed peterblazejewicz closed 2 years ago

peterblazejewicz commented 3 years ago

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Plunkr Case (Bug Reports) n/a

Current behavior There are so many linter errors when working with the project contribution, that's literally a limiting factor. The exact number, can be shared if requested by PF folks

Expected behavior Meaningful number of problems

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions Open any of non-trivial implementaiton file within IDE like VSCode with current linter ('tslint') enabled or run:

npm run lint

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? devexp improvment, lowering entry barier

Please tell us about your environment: VSCode

thetric commented 3 years ago

PrimeNG currently uses the deprecated TSLint which was removed in Angular 12 (2021-05 !). So npm run lint does not work at all. I have provided a pull request which migrates to ESLint which is the de facto standard linter for JavaScript and TypeScript.

mertsincan commented 2 years ago


So sorry for the delayed response! Improvements have been made to many components recently, both in terms of performance and enhancement. Therefore, this improvement may have been developed in another issue ticket without realizing it. You can check this in the documentation. If there is no improvement on this, can you reopen the issue so we can include it in our roadmap? Please don't forget to add your feedback as a comment after reopening the issue. These will be taken into account by us and will contribute to the development of this feature. Thanks a lot for your understanding!

Best Regards,