primefaces / primeng

The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
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InputGroup: InputText and InputGroupAddon border-radius not corrected when using .p-input-icon-* classes #14619

Open KeithGillette opened 5 months ago

KeithGillette commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

When p-input-icon-left or p-input-icon-right are used with a pInputText inside of an InputGroup, the mated border-radius of the InputGroupAddon and the input are not set to 0 due to the wrapping span required for use of p-input-icon-*.




Angular version


PrimeNG version

17.3.2 - 17.18.0

Build / Runtime

Angular CLI App



Node version (for AoT issues node --version)



No response

Steps to reproduce the behavior

See Stackblitz reproduction.

Expected behavior

I would expect that the InputText .p-input-icon-* styling option not impact the behavior of the related InputGroup and InputGroupAddon components.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

We're unable to replicate your issue, if you are able to create a reproducer by using PrimeNG Issue Template or add details please edit this issue. This issue will be closed if no activities in 20 days.

KeithGillette commented 4 months ago

I have corrected the reproduction link in the original issue since the previous links to the Stackblitz application stopped working, so please take a look again, @mehmetcetin01140.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale. If this issue is still affecting you with the latest version, please leave any comment, and we will keep it open. We are sorry that we have not been able to prioritize it yet. If you have any new additional information, please include it with your comment!

KeithGillette commented 3 weeks ago

I updated the Stackblitz reproduction to the current primeng@17.18.0 to show that the issue still persists, so please leave triage this bug report.