primefaces / primeng

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Fixes #15367 - SpeedDial non-linear menu items are misaligned #15368

Closed Dive576 closed 2 weeks ago

Dive576 commented 2 weeks ago

Fixes #15367


In a previous PR (#13726), a change was made so that menu item actions would not be added to the DOM unless the speed dial menu was visible. This was done to prevent those menu items from interfering with clicks on elements below the items while the menu was closed. However, the size of the menu item actions is used to position the items and the calculation is performed while the actions aren't in the DOM resulting in the items being misaligned. Additionally, the removal of the menu item actions causes the closing animation of the Speed Dial to not be displayed.


  1. Removes the changes from #13726 and uses CSS to achieve the desired effect.
  2. Fixes a bug with accessing the value of the focusedOptionIndex signal which was causing an exception when pressing the enter key on a focused menu item.
vercel[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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