primefaces / primeng

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Prime-Calendar: Broken when used as Web-Element with ShadowDOM #15963

Open codestitch opened 4 months ago

codestitch commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

When using p-calendar (CalendarModule) in an angular application that implements web-element and ShadowDOM, the calendar component breaks / non-functional.

So, adding encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom in App.component.ts, will break the component.


I want my application to be a web-element and isolate my styles inside that's why ShadowDom is used.


No environment. Any regular application.


Angular version


PrimeNG version


Build / Runtime

Angular CLI App



Node version (for AoT issues node --version)



No response

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Create a new angular application.
  2. Install PrimeNG and @angular/elements
  3. Change bootstrapApplication(App, appConfig); to

`(async () => { const app = await createApplication(appConfig);

const customFormElement = createCustomElement(App, { injector: app.injector, });

customElements.define('app-test-element', customFormElement); })();`

  1. In index.html change <app-root></app-root> to <app-test-element></app-test-element>
  2. Add providers: [provideAnimationsAsync()], in appConfig.
  3. Import the Following to app.component.ts: imports: [FormsModule, CalendarModule]
  4. Add Calendar in app.component.html: <p-calendar [(ngModel)]="date" />
  5. Add Model in app.component.ts: date: Date | undefined;
  6. Test it, it works right?!
  7. Now, add encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom
  8. Then Add

DomHandler.getParents = ( element: HTMLElement | ShadowRoot, parents: Array<Node | ShadowRoot> = [] ): Array<HTMLElement> => { return ( element['parentNode'] === null ? parents : DomHandler.getParents( element.parentNode, parents.concat([element.parentNode]) ) ).filter((item: HTMLElement | ShadowRoot) => !(item instanceof ShadowRoot)); };

This is to remove the error ->

  1. Now Test it again.

Expected behavior

Even when shadowDOM is used, p-calendar should still function expectedly.

LMatass commented 3 weeks ago

I have also encountered this issue, any workaround?