[x] bug report => Search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting
[ ] feature request => Please check if request is not on the roadmap already https://github.com/primefaces/primeng/wiki/Roadmap
[ ] support request => Please do not submit support request here, instead see http://forum.primefaces.org/viewforum.php?f=35
When you are in mobile display there is no hover event so you have to click on the element.
I use pTooltip on pictograms so I can't put tooltipEvent=focus.
Given though these elements, when you click on a pictogram (in mobile display), it creates the tooltip and deactivate it just after...
Expected behavior
Be able to have the tooltip on a mobile device by clicking the first time on the element.
The tooltip works fine for example on mobile devices with p-chart.
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Please tell us about your environment:
Angular version: 5.X
PrimeNG version: 5.X
Browser: [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ]
I'm unable to replicate with the latest PrimeNG. If the issue still persists with the new version please create a new issue with our stackblitz template and state the mobile devices you have problem with.
I'm submitting a ... (check one with "x")
Plunkr Case (Bug Reports) Just see it in the tooltip page in mobile display : https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/tooltip
Current behavior
When you are in mobile display there is no hover event so you have to click on the element. I use pTooltip on pictograms so I can't put
.Given though these elements, when you click on a pictogram (in mobile display), it creates the tooltip and deactivate it just after...
Expected behavior
Be able to have the tooltip on a mobile device by clicking the first time on the element. The tooltip works fine for example on mobile devices with
.Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Please tell us about your environment:
Angular version: 5.X
PrimeNG version: 5.X
Browser: [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ]
Language: [all | TypeScript X.X | ES6/7 | ES5]
Node (for AoT issues):
node --version