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puiautocomplete panel z-index should be relative to source element #223

Open ritchiecarroll opened 8 years ago

ritchiecarroll commented 8 years ago

When an autocomplete element is in a pop-up dialog, the autocomplete panel will show below the dialog.

Fix thoughts: code could sum z-index of parent tree (costly), allow a custom z-index option for panel (might be good option to have regardless), or perhaps expose a before/after show event.

Work around with completeSource function:

After invocation, use this.panel.css("z-index", $("#myDialog").css("z-index") + 1);

Mrtcndkn commented 8 years ago

Are you using primeelement or primeui autocomplete because both inside the dialog is working fine for me can you post me some example or fiddle please

ritchiecarroll commented 8 years ago

Here is an example:

Here is another z-index issue without a dialog: