primefaces / primevue-tailwind

PrimeVue Components Styled with Tailwind CSS
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VirtualScroller not working with DataTable #168

Open eboileau opened 6 months ago

eboileau commented 6 months ago

Hi, I'm sorry to insist, but I'm stuck, I don't know what is wrong. Virtual Scroll works with DataTable on Primevue here:, but does NOT work with Tailwind Primevue here: Try it out here:, adding app.use(PrimeVue, { unstyled: true, ripple: true }); breaks the virtual scroll on the table.

I can use VirtualScroller alone with or without unstyled: true, but not DataTable with virtual scroll.

On, you suggested to use pt. I can pass styles, yes, but the functionality is not there.

I would greatly appreciate your advice on how to use VirtualScroller with DataTable.

├── @rushstack/eslint-patch@1.7.2
├── @vitejs/plugin-vue@4.6.2
├── @vue/eslint-config-prettier@7.1.0
├── @vue/test-utils@2.4.4
├── autoprefixer@10.4.17
├── axios@1.6.7
├── eslint-plugin-vue@9.22.0
├── eslint@8.57.0
├── jsdom@21.1.2
├── pinia@2.1.7
├── postcss@8.4.35
├── prettier@2.8.8
├── primeicons@6.0.1
├── primevue@3.49.1
├── tailwindcss@3.4.1
├── vee-validate@4.12.5
├── vite-svg-loader@4.0.0
├── vite@4.5.2
├── vitest@0.29.8
├── vue-router@4.3.0
└── vue@3.4.20
eboileau commented 4 months ago

Any updates? Virtual Scroll still does not work with DataTable on Tailwind Primevue.

aseilerhara commented 4 months ago

Same issue here.

To be more precise, in my case it seems to work on Chrome, but not on Firefox. Nothing appears (same as the example on the doc

In comparison with the styled version, I notice a missing style display: flex in <tbody data-pc-section="virtualscrollerspacer"></tbody>.

I tried to add it via Pass Through and it seems to work. At least something appears on Firefox.

<script setup>
const passThrough = {
  virtualScrollerSpacer: {
    class: 'flex'
  <DataTable :pt="passThrough" :value="virtualValue" scrollable ...>
eboileau commented 4 months ago

Indeed VirtualScroller + DataTable work on Chrome, but NOT on Firefox.

jolson-auctic commented 2 months ago

Adding another voice to this. Firefox (version 126) on Mac, using the tailwind datatable page ( and the datatable is blank. This makes virtual scrolling unusable.

ramirosandoval commented 2 weeks ago

any news?