primer / brand

React components and Primitives for GitHub marketing websites
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Inconsistent page layout in docs #628

Open pouretrebelle opened 1 week ago

pouretrebelle commented 1 week ago

@raytalks has highlighted that the two different layouts for components docs pages can cause confusion, and it's frustrating to have to dig into the React tab to find the component's status labels (maturity and a11y review status)

Unified page Page with tabs
![Bento page showing status]( ![Avatar overview page without status]( ![Avatar React page with status](

Speaking to @rezrah, highlighting the component labels outside the tabbed area (matching the unified page) would be inappropriate because they refer specifically to the React implementation. In the future each component will also have a Figma tab (matching Primer), so removing the tabbed style and unifying each page is not the solution.

Ideally every component will move towards the tabbed view, where the Overview page covers interface guidelines. This needs to be done in collaboration with Primer Design. I will discuss with them how we can prioritise this work.

Adding interface guidelines to every component would resolve the issue with inconsistent layouts but would bury the component status information deeper within the site, reducing the visibility of this info. I propose we create a component status page (like in to highlight the status of each component and its a11y review status.

We could also add a column for whether interface guidelines have been written (and possibly Figma docs?) so we have a clear overview of work that needs to be done for a more mature system, although I appreciate that's not relevant to the implementation so may not be appropriate to include here.

Minor inconsistencies

pouretrebelle commented 1 week ago

@emilybrick I hear you're the person to chat about with! How do you feel about us copying your component status page for Primer Brand? I'm unsure whether it's worth trying to package up the components/styles you use for the status table or whether I can just copy them to this repo, I guess that depends on what your longterm plans are for docs infra. Perhaps we could have a call to check I'm going in the right direction with this docs work?

emilybrick commented 1 week ago

Hey @pouretrebelle!

Love this issue and so happy to see this work happening.

Component page tabs

Some quick backstory - we are planning to update our component pages on

I don't have a mock handy, but essentially:

Overview (code examples, brief description) | Guidelines (interface guidelines) | Accessibility (a11y guidelines)

Component status table

Unfortunately, @dipree and I were thinking of removing the component status table, since we don't think folks are getting a ton of use out of this (or rather, the level of granularity is lost on folks. they just want to know if they can use the component or not).

We need to do more research, but the idea was to instead lean on highlighting the status on the individual component pages. Publicly, on the component pages, it should be Draft or Ready only. Internal states for quality tracking purposes is fine

Happy to chat anytime since there are a lot of moving pieces right now, but also curious if @dipree wants to chime in.

Was there a specific need to showcase the status table on

@dipree also wrote this up for more context:

pouretrebelle commented 4 days ago

Speaking to Emily earlier this week we've agreed on the path forward - updating the tabs as suggested in her comment, and not pursuing a component status table, but possibly creating some internal reporting to raise visibility of component statuses. Technically this poses some issues though.

Current technical setup for tabbed view

The drawbacks of this are the content duplication, and having no flexibility of tabs - adding a third tab with this setup would be impossible without a lot more hard-coding and code+content duplication.

Proposed solution

Use a single MDX file for each component, using H1s to define tabs. A custom Gatsby plugin and custom layout component will turn the content into tabs within the page.



I'm going to work on a spike to check the practicality of this solution, but I feel reasonably confident it's the right direction to go in given no viable alternatives. This is a fair bit of work for what would seem like a simple layout switch, but will leave us with a flexible system so a11y guidelines can be slotted in easily, and it could be a testbed for interface experiments/developments until we do away with Gatsby.

Thoughts/opinions welcome! @raytalks @emilybrick @dipree @rezrah

raytalks commented 4 days ago

@pouretrebelle thanks for this! I'd like us to invest time in working together with Primer Engineering to focus on Nextocat rather than making Gatsby work for this use case. I'm in conversation with @joelhawksley to plan for this work. In the mean time I'd recommend to focus on low hanging fruit within our Primer Brand documentation and Story book.