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Dialog.Footer missing from React Lib #849

Open maybebansky opened 3 months ago

maybebansky commented 3 months ago

According to the docs and storybook the Dialog should have a footer sub component:


However this doenst seem to work:

import { Dialog, Box, Button, Textarea, FormControl } from "@primer/react";

export const Modal = () => {
  const handleSave = async () => {};

  return (
    <Dialog isOpen={true} onDismiss={() => {}} aria-labelledby="header">
        <Dialog.Header id="header">Header</Dialog.Header>

        <Box p={3}>
          <Box as="form">
              <Textarea name="value" block={true} />
            <Button variant="primary">Submit</Button>

export default function Demo() {
  return (
    <Box p={20}>
      <Modal />
error TS2339: Property 'Footer' does not exist on type 'ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<any, "ref"> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> & { Header: typeof DialogHeader; }'.

49           <Dialog.Footer