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Decide on what the Meet the Team questions are - @broccolini #42

Closed broccolini closed 5 years ago

broccolini commented 5 years ago

Here's the team questions/outline:

broccolini commented 5 years ago

Here is an example:

Diana Mounter, Design Operations Manager

GitHub handle: @broccolini

Favorite CSS feature: text-decoration: underline wavy

What drew you to design systems? I was drawn to design systems for many reasons—the opportunity to improve design and development workflow efficiency; the potential benefits well-design systems can bring to the user experience; I like to bring order to chaos and enjoy working at the intersection of design and code. I also love that there is still so much to learn in the field and really enjoy the passion of the community behind design systems.

Who have you learned from or been inspired by? I don't have room on this webpage to list everyone! SMACSS, The Art and Science of CSS, and Veerle Pieters were some early influences. OOCSS by Nicole Sullivan, CSS Wizardary, Basscss, Tachyons, and BEM influenced my approach to CSS architecture. More recently I've been inspired by Rune Madsen's Programming Design Systems, Compositor, Dan Abramov, Sebastian Markbage, and so many design and code wonder women like Many Kerr, Marcy Sutton, Lea Verou, Sarah Drasner and Jina Anne.

Favorite tools: Hyper, Atom, Figma, MDN, and Quip

broccolini commented 5 years ago

@emilybrick @emplums One thing I noticed is that we probably want to hyperlink a lot of the things in "what have you learned from or been inspired by?" so should make sure that looks good.

emplums commented 5 years ago

@primer/design-systems feel free to return your answers in JS object format to get a gold star ⭐️

 name: 'Emily Plummer',
 title: 'Design Systems Engineer',
 handle: 'emplums',
 cssFeature: 'word-break: break-word'
`Up until now, I’ve been mostly working Front End Engineering roles, but I’ve always been interested in finding something that was a good mix between Front End and Design. Design Systems feels like the perfect hybrid between the two!

I’m also really into accessibility, and I found that having a design system that enforces accessible standards is one of the easiest ways to make progress on getting a team on-boarded with accessibility best practices and getting those practices implemented in production

I’m super excited about our React component library that we’ve been working on over the past few months!`,
 questionTwo: 'Some people & projects that have been inspiring to me are: are Nicole Sullivan, Vaidehi Joshi's [](BaseCS blog) & [](podcast), Mina Markham's [](, Una Kravets, Suz Hinton's [](talk about accessibility at Dinosaur.js), Marcy Sutton, and Anil Dash.',
 favoriteTools: 'Figma, Notion (for taking notes & planning), React'
shawnbot commented 5 years ago
  name: 'Shawn Allen',
  title: 'Systems Designer',
  handle: 'shawnbot',
  cssFeature: 'box-sizing: border-box',
  questionOne: `I worked in data visualization and map-making for most of my career, and solving design problems with data is my jam. To me there's something uniquely exciting about making a thing that can take complicated and/or unexpected input and, with no human intervention, reduce it to something visually comprehensible—and hopefully interesting!`,
  questionTwo: `Anyone who has ever contributed to [A List Apart]( or posted to the [webdesign-l]( mailing list between 1999 and 2005. The [CSS Zen Garden]( was hugely inspirational for me, along with web standards pioneers like Eric Meyer, Mark Pilgrim, and Jeff Zeldman. [Jina]( is one of the hardest-working people in design systems, and her leadership in the community is a tremendous inspiration. I learned everything I know about SVG from [Sara Soueidan](, and everything I could _hope_ to know about CSS Grid from [Rachel Andrew]( and [Jen Simmons]( If you want to learn about web components, follow [Monica Dinculescu]( and [Mu-An Chiou](`,
  favoriteTools: 'Vim, Things, Chrome DevTools, curl'
jonrohan commented 5 years ago
    name: 'Jon Rohan',
    title: 'Systems Designer',
    handle: 'jonrohan',
    cssFeature: `grid-template-areas: "header header header" "footer footer footer"`,
    questionOne: `I have had a facination with front end engineering and UI for all of my career. Early on at GitHub I recognized the need to organize our code into reusable components. When the team formalized I had to be involed.`,
    questionTwo: `Both past and present I have to acknowledge that Nicole Sullivan has been profoundly influential in the way I front-end and write CSS. When she introduced concepts of OOCSS it brought me from thinking very linearly about CSS to a whole new range of systems thinking.`,
    favoriteTools: `Atom, Bash/Shell, Figma, GitHub, iTerm, Javascript, MacBook Pro, Things`,
    avatar: ''
emilybrick commented 5 years ago
    name: 'Emily Brick',
    title: 'Systems Designer',
    handle: 'emilybrick',
    cssFeature: 'align-items: center;',
    questionOne: `I was initially drawn to design systems while working on a small team, where we were stretched thin and struggling to keep the front-end and user experience afloat, recreating components and patterns by hand over and over again. We needed consistency, stability, a bridge between designers and developers, and a more efficient workflow. Once we put a design language and system in place, I was sold on the value. I find it fascinating how many approaches to design systems there are out there, and how different they can be depending on the individual product and teams’ needs.`,
    questionTwo: `[Inge Druckrey]( and [Edward Tufte]( inspired me to get into design, and introduced me to the world of typographic and informational systems (simultaneously). This talk by [Bret Victor]( helped me feel less alone when I was starting out in the industry; at a time when code and design weren't yet openly intertwined. I’m also inspired by the folks behind for making knowledge around design systems transparent and available to everyone.  Additionally, and there are too many people to name, people like Una Kravetz, Sarah Drasner, Tim Holman, and Val Head are always on my radar, keeping the internet weird and creative and continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible.`,
    favoriteTools: 'Atom, Figma, Bear, Dash, Slack',
broccolini commented 5 years ago

Shipped 🚀